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Caesaria / Donations

If you enjoy playing CaesarIA( Caesar III(c) remake ) and want to help this projects, please consider donating. CaesarIA develop and releasing free of any pay (but, you need yet original Caesar III(c) game) and developers team give up own time to work for this project.

We encourage you to donate to help support the project, but please be aware that donating is completely optional. There will be no special features or rewards given to donors, but those will be added in the list of sponsors in credits, also you will have our deep gratitude for your contribution development of CaesarIA project.

PayPal is the most common and probably the easiest way to make a donation. You can specify an amount to donate in any currency supported by PayPal and if you don’t have a PayPal account, you can pay by credit/debt card without signing up for an account.

Nearest target:

  • The current donations are gathered for new graphics set.

Donate through:

Thanks to:

  1. Juan Font Alonso
  2. Mr. Gridman
  3. Mephistopheles
