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Caesaria / Mac OS compile / install / run instructions

Installation of CaesarIA on Mac OS

Building the game

First move your terminal to where you want CaesarIA to be installed.

$mkdir games && cd games

$git clone 
$ git clone

$ cd caesaria
$ cmake .
$ make*

After compiling, you will have a new folder called caesaria-test with game and updater.macos executable files ( "cd ../caesaria-test" )

Installing resources

These resources are images, videos, configs and sounds needed to run the game. The following commands will download all needed files into the current folder. It contains resources only for testing.

$ cd caesaria-test
$ ./updater.macos --no-exec

You must buy original Caesar III(c) game and use their resources.

Running the game

In order to start the game, simply execute the CaesarIA binary now located in your CaesarIA-test folder:

(Test mode)

$ cd caesaria-test
$ ./caesaria.macos

(Game mode)

$ cd caesaria-test
$ ./caesaria.macos -c3gfx /path/to/caesar3/folder
