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AstriaChat / Home

*This Wiki is under construction #Astria Chat Wiki

This reflects the current features in version 1.4.0.


/ch: This is the main command for chat rooms. You can do /ch help for help and /ch list for a list of chat rooms you can use. /ch <roomKey> Switch to that room.

Chat Rooms

General Chat: (Key:g)

This is the default chat of Minecraft. This chat expands all worlds and is the chat players join when they get on the server

Local World: (Key:w)

This chat allows you to chat locally to players in the world you are on.

Local: (Key: see in-game help)

This is like Local World but players must be within range to receive your messages. There are two local chats. The first has a range of 250 blocks and the second has a range of 50 blocks.

Staff Chat: (Key:s)

Chat that only staff can use.

Tester Chat: (Key:t)

A chat room that offical server tester can use to talk to other testers

###Upcoming Features
