Start using a resource file for all the text strings in the app

Issue #6 resolved
Dark Akuma created an issue

This is to better manage them in the long run, but also to later more easily expand to support other languages.

Official response

  • Dark Akuma reporter

    These are the current strings for the options. Any improvements or additions in the case of “???” would be appreciated.

    The goal is to accurately tell an average novice user what the option does in as few words as possible.

    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_REWIND_INT    Interval in seconds with which the emulators rewind snapshots are taken.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_ARTMET_VERSION    Set the mode in which Epilepsy Protection is applied.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_ARTMET_THRESHOLD    A value in which auto-matic triggering of the Epilepsy Protection is activated.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_MACHINE_COUNTRY    Defines the region of the console the emulator is to emulate when playing this game.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_DISPLAY_VERSION    Extra text shown with the game, typically used for denoting the game is of an alternate language than English.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_DISABLE_HANDCURSOR    Prevents the hand cursor from the non-active players from being seen in network mode.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_PLATFORM    Sets the default Gameboy model hardware to emulate for playback.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_COMPATIBLE_TITLES    List of Codes for what games are deemed compatible, and this allowed to link to this game in Local Multi-player and Online modes.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_MULTIPLAYER_MODE    Denotes the multi-player mode in which this game can and will support in Local Multi-player and Online modes.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_CONTROLLER_POSITION    Sets the one of 3 grip styles to represent as using, as if you were using an original N64 gamepad.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_VOLUME    Controls and limits the volume at which the game plays.

Comments (6)

  1. Dark Akuma reporter

    Most strings are now handled with such a file, but some tooltips need their content filled out. Namely, tooltips that explain lclassics.titlesdb settings… As not everyone of those is 100% explainable even by me.

    A better, more consistent naming scheme for the variables might be nice too.

  2. Dark Akuma reporter

    These are the current strings for the options. Any improvements or additions in the case of “???” would be appreciated.

    The goal is to accurately tell an average novice user what the option does in as few words as possible.

    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_REWIND_INT    Interval in seconds with which the emulators rewind snapshots are taken.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_ARTMET_VERSION    Set the mode in which Epilepsy Protection is applied.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_ARTMET_THRESHOLD    A value in which auto-matic triggering of the Epilepsy Protection is activated.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_MACHINE_COUNTRY    Defines the region of the console the emulator is to emulate when playing this game.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_DISPLAY_VERSION    Extra text shown with the game, typically used for denoting the game is of an alternate language than English.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_DISABLE_HANDCURSOR    Prevents the hand cursor from the non-active players from being seen in network mode.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_PLATFORM    Sets the default Gameboy model hardware to emulate for playback.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_COMPATIBLE_TITLES    List of Codes for what games are deemed compatible, and this allowed to link to this game in Local Multi-player and Online modes.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_MULTIPLAYER_MODE    Denotes the multi-player mode in which this game can and will support in Local Multi-player and Online modes.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_CONTROLLER_POSITION    Sets the one of 3 grip styles to represent as using, as if you were using an original N64 gamepad.
    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_VOLUME    Controls and limits the volume at which the game plays.

  3. Dark Akuma reporter

    Most strings are converted to use the Resource file now.

    Exceptions would be, NSP generator “Advanced Settings” (too much work), exceptions/debug messages (those don't need to be), and probably a few things I have missed.

    Of course… this above list of options I have asked the community to help with too…

  4. Dark Akuma reporter
    "fadein": [ X, Y ],
    The X value appears to specify a delay in opening the game. set it to 30, and its about a 3 second delay until it opens
    the Y value though... still not sure...
    Not sound fade in delay...
    Not a delay on when input is allowed....
    Not a similar visual fade in delay, but specific to loading a save state... 
    Not a similar delay for the Reset Game option.
    "overscan": [ A, B, C, D ]
    A = Pixels to crop from the left side of the screen.
    B = Pixels to crop from the right side of the screen.
    C = Pixels to crop from the top of the screen.
    D = Pixels to crop from the bottom of the screen.
    "fds_auto_disk_side_switch"             = When a game would otherwise tell you to flip the disk, it automatically does it?
    "fds_auto_disk_side_switch_on_keypress" = When a game would otherwise tell you to flip the disk, you press a key and it does it?
    "fds_bios_skip_intro"                   = Boot right to the game.
    "fds_disk_switch_side_delay"            = ???
    "fds_disk_switch_side_threshold"        = ???

    Best I can come up with for now, for NES stuff.

    Hope this gets the ball rolling for others to help, but… I'm not going to hold my breath.

  5. Dark Akuma reporter

    Going over discord chat history about GPU384MHZ…

    It seems it is an overclock value for handheld mode, and/or a underclock value for docked mode?


    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_GPU384MHZ    Force the GPU clock speed to 384mhz, from either 460mhz (Handheld), or 768mhz (Docked).

    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_COLD_RESET    Prevents crashing when you select Reset Game from the menu.

    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_KEYASSIGN_TYPE    Sets what controller mapping to use. 0/null = Default, 1 = Sin & Punishment's.

    control_opt_layout_pattern… IDK. Mixed reports, and mixed results from my own testing in the past.

    honestly... i dont know wtf this option is for. first i thought it was to enable different controller mappings. Then I thought it was for getting rid of the side borders and supporting 16:9 aspect ratio. but... it seems its just some stupid black frame?

    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_ICON_PROCESS    Hides the player icon in official Widescreen mode?

    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_Z80C    Adjusts the timing of the emulated Z-80 processor?

    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_EMU_OPTION    Sets extra options. Know list includes:\n\nsh3 (GBC)\nbothp1 (Genesis)\n--68kdiv=5 (Genesis)\ntitle001 (Genesis)\ntitle004 (Genesis)

    Default   = [ ] Reproduce classic feel 
    Nostalgic = [x] Reproduce classic feel
    None, Min, Medium, High = Contrast

    The "classic feel" tends to darken the screen. the values control that.

    None   = No darkening
    Min    = A little darkening 
    Medium = A medium amount of darkening 
    High   = A high amount of darkening

    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_ADJUST_COLORS    Adjusted colors tend to be darker and duller. It's probably meant to mimic the look on GBA hardware.

    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_SRAM_FILE_SIZE Specifies the SRAM file size. In some cases, likely indicating save RAM type too.

    TOOLTIP_DATAGRID_TRANSFER_TITLE Code value of another game that you can transfer save data to this game from.

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