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darklord / Classes / vampire


Vampires gain strength with age. To raise your vampage use the train command. The first age class to train is ancilla. Every age has a different name, and costs more to learn then the previous.

Vampire powers are gained with discipline. Discipline gives a list of your powers. To learn disciplines research <discipline name>. After killing enough mobs you will be ready to train. To do this train <discipline>. You have to do this until all disciplines are maxxed.

Vampires can be trained to be immune to sunlight. This is done with train sunlight.

A vampires beast controls his actions. If your beast is high you will have less control of your actions, and take more damage from sunlight. You can lower this two ways. One is to cast a lot of blue spells. The other much faster way is to train control. To raise your beast fight and cast red magic.

Vampires have a lot of powers so you are going to have to experiment to learn what works best for you in combat.

Vampires also have a blood pool. You must drink blood to fill this. Different powers drain different amounts of blood from your blood pool. You can see how much blood is in your pool by typing score.
