
David Benn Iterated Function System in ACE BASIC

Created by David Benn

File ifs.txt Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+'...IFS-compressed image reconstructor
+SUB help
+  dummy=MsgBox("Select project type and color.","Continue")
+SUB about
+  msg$ = "Iterated Function System by David Benn "+chr$(169)
+  msg$ = msg$+" 1994 for Karen."
+  dummy=MsgBox(msg$,"Continue")
+SUB enable_menus
+  menu 1,0,1	'..enable project menu
+  menu 2,0,1	'..enable color menu
+  menu 3,2,0	'..disable "stop" item
+randomize timer
+' probability levels, x & y factors and IFS data...
+CONST pats=6
+dim n%(pats),xscale%(pats),yscale%(pats),xoffset%(pats),yoffset%(pats)
+FOR R=1 TO pats
+  read n%(r),xscale%(r),yscale%(r),xoffset%(r),yoffset%(r)
+DATA 3,150,115,160,60	'..Sierpinski triangle
+DATA 4,150,75,225,70	'..Square
+DATA 4,25,12,285,60	'..Fern
+DATA 4,250,225,300,60	'..Tree #1
+DATA 4,150,75,160,40	'..Tree #2
+DATA 4,54,26,230,50	'..Sunflower
+pt=0      '...reset probability counter
+dim a(pats,4),b(pats,4),c(pats,4),d(pats,4),e(pats,4),f(pats,4),p(pats,4)
+FOR I=1 TO 3
+  read a(1,I),b(1,I),c(1,I),d(1,I),e(1,I),f(1,I),pk
+  pt=pt+pk
+  p(1,I)=pt
+FOR J=2 TO pats 
+pt=0             '...reset probability counter 
+  FOR L=1 TO 4
+    read a(J,L)
+    read b(J,L)
+    read c(J,L)
+    read d(J,L)
+    read e(J,L)
+    read f(J,L),pk
+    pt=pt+pk
+    p(J,L)=pt
+'...Sierpinski Triangle...
+DATA .5,0,0,.5,0,0,.33
+DATA .5,0,0,.5,1,0,.33
+DATA .5,0,0,.5,.5,.5,.34
+DATA .5,0,0,.5,0,0,.25
+DATA .5,0,0,.5,.5,0,.25
+DATA .5,0,0,.5,0,.5,.25
+DATA .5,0,0,.5,.5,.5,.25
+DATA 0,0,0,.16,0,0,.01
+DATA .2,-.26,.23,.22,0,1.6,.07
+DATA -.15,.28,.26,.24,0,.44,.07
+DATA .85,.04,-.04,.85,0,1.6,.85
+'...Tree #1...
+DATA 0,0,0,.5,0,0,.05
+DATA .1,0,0,.1,0,.2,.15
+DATA .42,-.42,.42,.42,0,.2,.4
+DATA .42,.42,-.42,.42,0,.2,.4
+'...Tree #2...
+DATA 0.195,-0.488,0.344,0.443,0.722,0.536,0.25
+DATA 0.462,0.414,-0.252,0.361,0.538,1.167,0.25
+DATA -0.058,-0.070,0.453,-0.111,1.125,0.185,0.25
+DATA -0.045,0.091,-0.469,-0.022,0.863,0.871,0.25
+DATA -.3,-.6,1.1,.11,4,0,.02
+DATA -.3,-1,1,.01,4,0,.95
+DATA .02,.01,0,-.2,0,0,.01
+DATA 0,.02,0,0,.01,.02,.02
+screen 1,640,225,3,2
+window 1,"IFS",(0,0)-(640,225),0,1
+const black=0,white=1,green=2,red=3,blue=4,yellow=5
+palette black,0,0,0
+palette white,1,1,1 
+palette green,0,1,0 
+palette red,1,0,0   
+palette blue,.25,.25,1
+palette yellow,1,1,.13
+menu 1,0,1,"Project"
+menu 1,1,1,"Sierpinski Triangle"
+menu 1,2,1,"Square"
+menu 1,3,1,"Fern"
+menu 1,4,1,"Tree #1"
+menu 1,5,1,"Tree #2"
+menu 1,6,1,"Sunflower"
+menu 1,7,0,"-------------------"
+menu 1,8,1,"Help...","H"
+menu 1,9,1,"About...","A"
+menu 2,0,1,"Colour"
+menu 2,1,1,"White"
+menu 2,2,1,"Green"
+menu 2,3,1,"Red"
+menu 2,4,1,"Blue"
+menu 2,5,1,"Yellow"
+menu 3,0,1,"Special"
+menu 3,1,0,"Clear Window","C"
+menu 3,2,0,"Stop","S"
+menu 3,3,1,"Quit","Q"
+const havingfun=-1
+while havingfun
+ op%=0
+ fgnd%=0
+ repeat
+   menu wait
+   mnum = menu(0)
+   item = menu(1)
+   if mnum=1 then
+	'..project
+	if item=8 or item=9 then 
+	  case
+	    item=8 : help
+	    item=9 : about
+	  end case
+	else
+	  op% = item
+	end if
+   else
+	if mnum=2 then
+	  '..colour
+	  fgnd% = item
+	else
+	  '..special
+	  if item=1 then cls
+	  if item=3 then quit
+	end if
+   end if
+ until op% >= 1 and op% <= pats and fgnd% > 0
+ '..disable menus 1 and 2
+ menu 1,0,0
+ menu 2,0,0
+ '..enable special menu's CLS and STOP items
+ menu 3,1,1
+ menu 3,2,1
+ ON MENU gosub handle_menu
+ '..initial x,y
+ x=0
+ y=0
+ '...Do iterations
+ color black,black
+ color fgnd%,black
+ i&=1
+ finished=0
+ repeat
+  R=RND
+  IF R <= p(op%,1) THEN 
+     k%=1
+     IF R <= p(op%,2) THEN 
+        k%=2
+     ELSE
+        IF R <= p(op%,3) THEN k%=3 ELSE k%=n%(op%)
+     end if
+  END IF 
+  newx = a(op%,k%) * x + b(op%,k%) * y + e(op%,k%)
+  newy = c(op%,k%) * x + d(op%,k%) * y + f(op%,k%) 
+  x=newx
+  y=newy
+  outX% = x * xscale%(op%) + xoffset%(op%)
+  outY% = 200 - (y * yscale%(op%) + yoffset%(op%)) 
+  PSET (outX%,outY%)
+  i&=i&+1
+ until i& > 25000& or finished
+ enable_menus
+  mnum = menu(0)
+  item = menu(1)
+  if mnum=3 then
+    if item=1 then cls
+    if item=2 then finished = -1
+    if item=3 then quit
+  end if
+  menu clear
+  window close 1
+  screen close 1

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