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CS5220-S14 / HW2

Homework 2: 1D Wave Equation

Due:Tuesday, Mar 11th by 11:59pm

For this assignment, you will complete the missing pieces of a parallel implementation for solving the 1D wave equation on a string. The purpose of this homework is not to understand the numerical method to solve the 1D wave equation, but to ensure that you:

  • Understand how to write simple MPI code
  • Can run MPI jobs on the C4 cluster
  • Grasp basic performance modeling ideas
  • Can perform timing experiments and profile parallel code

This is an individual assignment, and you should produce your own writeup (not as a team) and code for submission on CMS. You may ask the instructional staff or others in the class for help, but you should acknowledge any assistance you receive in your write-up. Everybody should get familiar enough with all the tasks to be able to do them independently. When you complete the homework you should submit two files on CMS: wave1d.c, and a brief write-up (writeup.pdf) in which you describe your results and provide some figures from your performance experiments.


The reference code for the assignment can be found in the wave1d folder under the class repository. You can read the code, along with the prompt describing your tasks, either from the repository or as a PDF.

The following files are provided:

  • wave1d.c: a reference (serial) implementation of the numerical code
  • driver_lua.c: a driver for calling the routines in wave1d.c
  • glwave1d.html: a webgl viewer for the simulation output
  • Makefile: a Makefile with rules for building the code

Please consult for more information on how to run and pass parameters to the simulation.

You can load the output file using glwave1d.html to animate the output of the 1D string simulation.

Further Resources

  • This assignment borrows from the F11 assignment.
  • "Solving Problems on Concurrent Processors, Vol 1" by G.Fox
