Totals as at end of day, not during day

Issue #19 resolved
Rob Ormond created an issue

Hi David, I've been using the charting plugin and I love it, thanks for the hard work!

One thing I've just noticed, I generally use the charts to report on total number of tickets (as my other resolved issue was talking about), but the numbers it shows is a little different to what I expect.

I want to know the total number of tickets in a particular status, say open, for each day over past x days. Because you are appending a DURING to the query the count shows how many were open sometime that day, whereas I'm more interested in knowing how many were open at the end of the day.

For days before today, this doesn't make much difference, but when I am using the chart right up until the current date then it doesn't make much sense to me.

As an example, during today I had 50 open tickets, then I close 10 of them and I run the chart. I'd expect the number to drop by 10 for today, but it doesn't because during today there were 50, even though right now there is 40.

I don't know if something else would not work if it used ON endOfDay() (or ON datetime) instead of DURING(,) but that is more what I would expect it to do.

Otherwise I love it!

Comments (8)

  1. boydo repo owner

    Thanks @robormond I've made some changes. I hope the latest release does what you request.

  2. Rob Ormond reporter
    • changed status to open

    Hi David, a release after your above comment did improve the data, but now a subsequent release has meant I don't get any data at all for today, it only shows up to the current time yesterday.

    Eg, I run the graph right now, at 15:43 Monday and it shows data up until 16:00 Sunday.

  3. boydo repo owner

    Hi @robormond This could be expected behaviour. If, for example a new issue was created on Monday then it should be included in the last data point for the chart?

  4. Rob Ormond reporter

    Hi David, not sure what you mean.

    Maybe this image will help explain what I mean, the current time when I took this image, locally on my computer, is September 20th at 3:56pm. The graph only shows as you can see up to 4pm on September 19. I'd expect it to show the data right up until now, not 24 hours ago.


  5. boydo repo owner

    @robormond Thanks for the screenshot. I think I've found the problem and fixed it. Please re-open if you don't see it fixed at your end

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