Value for today is showing value from yesterday?

Issue #9 resolved
Kacper Mazek created an issue
  1. Graph showing accumulated number of raised bugs
  2. Graph is showing for today (26.05.2016) 50 issues
  3. In reality we have 50 issues
  4. Team added additional 5 issues
  5. Graph is showing for today (26.05.2016) still 50 issues AND graph is showing for tomorrow (27.05.2016) 55 issues

it looks like snapshot for day is taken at ~26.05.2016 00:00 and all issues from today are counting for tomorrow. Maybe snapshot should be taken at ~26.05.2016 11:59 PM ?

Comments (8)

  1. Kacper Mazek reporter
    • changed status to open

    @dboyd-atl Tested few times and still not working. My querry:

    PROJECT= XX AND Sprint in openSprints() AND status was in ("To do", "In progress","Review")

    Time Series Field = None

    Cutoff Date setup in future Days previously = 7

    Issue is present on both type of chart styles

  2. boydo repo owner

    @kmazek Thanks. Sorry for the delay. I've made some changes. Please let me know if it's not what you wanted. cheers!

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