
Clone wiki

Shampoo / LoginManagement

Login Box

Visible in the top left corner of the screen. Available options are different whether you're logged in or not.

Change or view your account data

When you click on the change my profile link, you're given access to a popup window that collects all data related to your own account.


You can modify your current password, real name and email address if needed. The rights list panel actually lists your current credentials and roles for channels and programmes handled by Shampoo. The time zone field allows you to display all time-related info in Shampoo according to your own time zone, along with the ones registered for the channels you have access to. Check the Receive notifications by email box if you'd like notifications and personal messages, available through the view messages link, to be sent to you by email. Make sure the email address you've entered is correct. This email address is only used for such a purpose, and is only visible to you and global administrators and channel administrators. Click the edit button when you'd like any changes you've made to take place.

View personal messages and notifications

Every time a channel, programme, playlist, etc you're responsible for is edited or deleted, a new notification will be available through the view messages link. It may also be synchronized with your email account if configured through the change my profile link. The actual modification, who did it, and when it has been performed are logged and available for auditing. If you're a contributor, review results are also made available through this panel. Note that these features may be fully or partially disabled by the Shampoo administrators.


Old messages may be automatically deleted after a varying period, depending on the current Shampoo installation.
