
Dénes Türei Intercellular communication paths with OmnipathR

Updated by Dénes Türei

File intercell_paths.r Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
 g <- interaction_graph(interactions = interactions)
 g <- simplify(g, remove.multiple = FALSE, remove.loops = TRUE)
-intercell <- as_tibble(import_Omnipath_intercell()) %>%
+intercell <- as_tibble(import_Omnipath_intercell())
+intercell_sub <- intercell %>%
+    filter(class_type == 'sub') %>%
+    group_by(uniprot) %>%
+    mutate(resources = paste(category, collapse = ','))
+intercell <- intercell %>%
     filter(!(class_type %in% c('sub', 'above_main')))
 intercell_classes <- intercell %>%
-    select(category) %>%
-    unlist(use.names = FALSE) %>%
+    pull(category) %>%
+intercell_resources <- intercell_resources %>%
+    pull(resources) %>%
+    unique
 transmitters <- c(
+intercell_proteins_sub <- as.list(
+    setNames(
+        intercell_sub$resources,
+        intercell_sub$uniprot
+    )
 intercell_proteins$transmitter <-intercell %>%
     filter(category %in% transmitters) %>%
     select(uniprot) %>%
+V(g)$resources <- unlist(map(
+    V(g)$up_ids,
+    function(up){
+        intercell_proteins_sub[[up]]
+    }
 trans_trans <- setNames(
             function(x){paste(x, collapse = ',')}
+    node0_intercell_resources = paths_vattr(1, 'resources'),
     edge01_directed = paths_eattr(1, 'is_directed'),
     edge01_stimulation = paths_eattr(1, 'is_stimulation'),
     edge01_inhibition = paths_eattr(1, 'is_inhibition'),
     edge01_nsources = paths_eattr(1, 'nsources'),
     edge01_nrefs = paths_eattr(1, 'nrefs'),
+    edge01_resources = unlist(
+        map(
+            paths_eattr(1, 'sources'), paste, collapse = ','
+        )
+    ),
     node1_uniprot = paths_vattr(2, 'up_ids'),
     node1_genesymbol = paths_vattr(2, 'name'),
             function(x){paste(x, collapse = ',')}
+    node1_intercell_resources = paths_vattr(2, 'resources'),
     edge12_directed = paths_eattr(2, 'is_directed'),
     edge12_stimulation = paths_eattr(2, 'is_stimulation'),
     edge12_inhibition = paths_eattr(2, 'is_inhibition'),
     edge12_nsources = paths_eattr(2, 'nsources'),
     edge12_nrefs = paths_eattr(2, 'nrefs'),
+    edge12_resources = unlist(
+        map(
+            paths_eattr(2, 'sources'), paste, collapse = ','
+        )
+    ),
     node2_uniprot = paths_vattr(3, 'up_ids'),
     node2_genesymbol = paths_vattr(3, 'name'),
             paths_vattr(3, 'classes'),
             function(x){paste(x, collapse = ',')}
-    )
+    ),
+    node2_intercell_resources = paths_vattr(3, 'resources')
-write_tsv(result, 'omnipath_intercell_paths__20200314.tsv')
+write_tsv(result, 'omnipath_intercell_paths__20200318.tsv')
Created by Dénes Türei

File intercell_paths.r Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# Copyright Saez Lab 2020
+# Denes Turei
+if(!'OmnipathR' %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"]){
+    require(devtools)
+    install_github('saezlab/OmnipathR')
+interactions <- as_tibble(
+    bind_rows(
+        import_Omnipath_Interactions(),
+        import_LigrecExtra_Interactions(),
+        import_PathwayExtra_Interactions(),
+        import_KinaseExtra_Interactions()
+    )
+g <- interaction_graph(interactions = interactions)
+g <- simplify(g, remove.multiple = FALSE, remove.loops = TRUE)
+intercell <- as_tibble(import_Omnipath_intercell()) %>%
+    filter(!(class_type %in% c('sub', 'above_main')))
+intercell_classes <- intercell %>%
+    select(category) %>%
+    unlist(use.names = FALSE) %>%
+    unique()
+transmitters <- c(
+    'ecm',
+    'ligand',
+    'surface_enzyme',
+    'growth_factor_binder',
+    'gap_junction',
+    'interleukins_hgnc',
+    'chemokine_ligands_hgnc',
+    'endogenous_ligands_hgnc',
+    'adhesion',
+    'surface_ligand',
+    'extracellular_peptidase',
+    'growth_factor_regulator',
+    'tight_junction'
+receivers <- c(
+    'receptor',
+    'interleukin_receptors_hgnc',
+    'transporter',
+    'tight_junction',
+    'gap_junction',
+    'adhesion'
+intercell_proteins <- intercell %>%
+    group_by(category) %>%
+    summarize(uniprot = list(unique(uniprot)))
+intercell_proteins <- as.list(
+    setNames(
+        intercell_proteins$uniprot,
+        intercell_proteins$category
+    )
+intercell_proteins$transmitter <-intercell %>%
+    filter(category %in% transmitters) %>%
+    select(uniprot) %>%
+    unlist(use.names = FALSE) %>%
+    unique()
+intercell_proteins$receiver <-intercell %>%
+    filter(category %in% receivers) %>%
+    select(uniprot) %>%
+    unlist(use.names = FALSE) %>%
+    unique()
+for(cls in names(intercell_proteins)){
+    g <- g %>%
+        set_vertex_attr(
+            name = cls,
+            value = sapply(
+                V(g)$up_ids,
+                function(x){x %in% intercell_proteins[[cls]]}
+            )
+        )
+g <- g %>%
+    delete_vertices(
+        which(!(
+            V(g)$receiver |
+            V(g)$transmitter
+        ))
+    )
+V(g)$classes <- lapply(
+    V(g),
+    function(v){
+        Filter(
+            function(cls){
+                vertex_attr(g, cls, v)
+            },
+            intercell_classes
+        )
+    }
+trans_trans <- setNames(
+    lapply(
+        V(g)[V(g)$transmitter],
+        function(v){
+            Filter(
+                function(n){
+                    vertex_attr(g, 'transmitter', n) &
+                    !vertex_attr(g, 'receiver', n)
+                },
+                neighbors(g, v, mode=  'out')
+            )
+        }
+    ),
+    which(V(g)$transmitter)
+trans_rec <- setNames(
+    lapply(
+        V(g)[V(g)$transmitter],
+        function(v){
+            Filter(
+                function(n){
+                    vertex_attr(g, 'receiver', n)
+                },
+                neighbors(g, v, mode=  'out')
+            )
+        }
+    ),
+    which(V(g)$transmitter)
+elist <- as_edgelist(g, names = FALSE) %>%
+ %>%
+    `colnames<-`(c('source', 'target')) %>%
+    as_tibble() %>%
+    add_column(eid = 1:ecount(g)) %>%
+    nest(data = c('target', 'eid')) %>%
+    mutate(
+        data = map(data, as.list),
+        data = map(data, function(x){with(x, setNames(eid, target))})
+    ) %>%
+    as.list() %>%
+    with(setNames(data, source))
+vpath_to_epath <- function(vpath){
+    map2_int(
+        vpath[1:(length(vpath) - 1)],
+        vpath[2:length(vpath)],
+        function(vid0, vid1){
+            as.integer(get.edge.ids(g, c(vid0, vid1)))
+        }
+    )
+intercell_vpaths <- list()
+i <- 1
+prg <- progress_estimated(length(which(V(g)$transmitter)))
+for(vid_tr in which(V(g)$transmitter)){
+    prg$tick()$print()
+    for(vid_rc in trans_rec[[sprintf('%d', vid_tr)]]){
+        intercell_vpaths[[i]] <- c(vid_tr, vid_rc)
+        i <- i + 1
+    }
+    for(vid_m in trans_trans[[sprintf('%d', vid_tr)]]){
+        for(vid_rc in trans_rec[[sprintf('%d', vid_m)]]){
+            intercell_vpaths[[i]] <- c(vid_tr, vid_m, vid_rc)
+            i <- i + 1
+        }
+    }
+prg <- progress_estimated(length(intercell_vpaths))
+intercell_epaths <- intercell_vpaths %>%
+    map(~{
+        prg$tick()$print()
+        vpath_to_epath(.x)
+    })
+paths_vattr <- function(idx, attr){
+    vertex_attr(g, attr)[
+        unlist(map(
+            intercell_vpaths,
+            function(p){`if`(idx <= length(p), p[idx], NA)}
+        ))
+    ]
+paths_eattr <- function(idx, attr){
+    edge_attr(g, attr)[
+        unlist(map(
+            intercell_epaths,
+            function(p){`if`(idx <= length(p), p[idx], NA)}
+        ))
+    ]
+result <- tibble(
+    node0_uniprot = paths_vattr(1, 'up_ids'),
+    node0_genesymbol = paths_vattr(1, 'name'),
+    node0_classes = (
+        unlist(map(
+            paths_vattr(1, 'classes'),
+            function(x){paste(x, collapse = ',')}
+        ))
+    ),
+    edge01_directed = paths_eattr(1, 'is_directed'),
+    edge01_stimulation = paths_eattr(1, 'is_stimulation'),
+    edge01_inhibition = paths_eattr(1, 'is_inhibition'),
+    edge01_nsources = paths_eattr(1, 'nsources'),
+    edge01_nrefs = paths_eattr(1, 'nrefs'),
+    node1_uniprot = paths_vattr(2, 'up_ids'),
+    node1_genesymbol = paths_vattr(2, 'name'),
+    node1_classes = (
+        unlist(map(
+            paths_vattr(2, 'classes'),
+            function(x){paste(x, collapse = ',')}
+        ))
+    ),
+    edge12_directed = paths_eattr(2, 'is_directed'),
+    edge12_stimulation = paths_eattr(2, 'is_stimulation'),
+    edge12_inhibition = paths_eattr(2, 'is_inhibition'),
+    edge12_nsources = paths_eattr(2, 'nsources'),
+    edge12_nrefs = paths_eattr(2, 'nrefs'),
+    node2_uniprot = paths_vattr(3, 'up_ids'),
+    node2_genesymbol = paths_vattr(3, 'name'),
+    node2_classes = (
+        unlist(map(
+            paths_vattr(3, 'classes'),
+            function(x){paste(x, collapse = ',')}
+        ))
+    )
+write_tsv(result, 'omnipath_intercell_paths__20200314.tsv')

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