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MIMAMP: a Mixed-Initiative Multi-Agent Mission Planner

MIMAMP is a system that intelligently supports the human operator in creating multi-UAV planning problems, performs automated planning and displays the resulting flight and sensor plans in a user-friendly way. MIMAMP prevents the user to know anything about PDDL language nor automated planning algorithms and provides support in creating targets, specifying observation requests, defining missions and understanding the final mission plans.

MIMAMP has been developed by D. Dell'Anna and M. Roberti, with the supervision of Prof. Pietro Torasso @ Department of Computer Science, University of Turin, 2016.

##Contact and Info

This Wiki does not contain much information, however please feel free to contact me for any help or additional information.

Please see here for an overview of MIMIAMP's features and for related works.




Requirements: PostgreSql 9.1+

  1. Create a Server named postgres on host localhost port 5432
  2. Create into postgres server a database mimamp with owner postgres
  3. Launch the command psql --host localhost --port 5432 --username "postgres" --dbname "mimamp" < "/home/davide/MIMAMP/db/mimampDB.backup"

####Exporting the database 1. Launch the command pg_dump --host localhost --port 5432 --username "postgres" "mimamp" > "/home/davide/MIMAMP/db/mimampDB.backup"


It is necessary to install the following planners and create a symbolic link in /user/bin with the names indicated between []: - Colin [colin-clp] - LPG [lpg] - Metric-FF [ff] - POPF2 (cplex version) [optic-cplex] - TFD [tfd]

Planners can be found in planners folder in MIMAMP project.

####Creation of symbolic link 1. Move into /usr/bin 2. Launch the command ln -s <path to executable file> ./<name between [] reported above>

####N.B. Important TFD In order to use TFD it is necessary to edit the files and plan replacing all paths with absolute paths (also expanding the ~)
