ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when analyzing "broken" code

Issue #100 resolved
Michael Eichberg repo owner created an issue

The following code ends with a "NOP" instruction... this is so broken...! However, the code is compile-time dead and, hence, we should be able detect and ignore it.

org.python.modules.SynchronizedCallable{ public org.python.core.PyObject call(org.python.core.PyObject){ Some(jar:file:/Users/eichberg/Desktop/QualitasCorpus-20130901r/Systems/c_jdbc/c_jdbc-2.0.2/src/c-jdbc-2.0.2-src/3rdparty/iSQL/lib/jpython1.1.jar!/org/python/modules/SynchronizedCallable.class) } } java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 37 at$$anonfun$predecessorPCs$1.apply$mcVI$sp(Code.scala:503) at$$anonfun$predecessorPCs$1.apply(Code.scala:499) at$$anonfun$predecessorPCs$1.apply(Code.scala:499)

PC  Line    Instruction Exceptions
0   42  aload_1 
1   |   arraylength 
2   |   ifne11  
5   43  ldc "synchronized callable called with 0 args"  
7   |   invokestatic ..core.Py { ..core.PyException TypeError (java.lang.String) }  
10  |   athrow  
11  45  aload_1 
12  |   iconst_0    
13  |   aaload  
14  |   invokestatic ...synchronize { java.lang.Object _getSync (..core.PyObject) } 
17  |   astore_3    
18  |   aload_3 
19  |   monitorenter    
20  46  aload_0 1: Any
21  |   getfield ...SynchronizedCallable { ..core.PyObject callable }
24  |   aload_1
25  |   aload_2
26  |   invokevirtual ..core.PyObject { ..core.PyObject __call__ (..core.PyObject[], java.lang.String[]) }
29  |   astore 5
31  |   jsr 45
34  |   aload 5
36  |   areturn
37  |   aload_3
38  |   monitorexit
39  |   goto 51
42  |   aload_3 
43  |   monitorexit 
44  |   athrow  
45  |   astore 4    
47  |   aload_3 
48  |   monitorexit 
49  |   ret 4   
51  |   nop 

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