When a test-fixture changes all compiled classes/jars should be deleted to ensure that we have a clean state

Issue #103 resolved
Michael Eichberg repo owner created an issue

If not all generated classes, other projects may still depend on the old class files (e.g., in case of a renaming of a class, even though that class no longer exists and, hence, the overall build process only fails after a cleanBuild.

Comments (5)

  1. Michael Eichberg reporter

    Merge branch 'develop' into feature/Hermes

    • develop: (31 commits) bumped the versions of the used libraries Merged in florian_kuebler/opal/feature/AdvancedFieldMutabilityAnalysis (pull request #398) updated files updated scalariform (which led to a (more-consistent) reformatting of several classes refined build process Restore old behavior of AbstractFixpointAnalysisTest on annotations without explicitly specified value attribute Merged in errt/opal/feature/AbstractFixpointAnalysisTest_conditions (pull request #400) updated scalariform Revert scalaLambdaDeserialize exported Java Formatter preferences (“hopefully” identical - to the Eclipse settings) fixed a bug where the fixture project was not recompiled if a files was “just” deleted fixed compile time bugs minor refactorings fixed issue #103 fixed compile time bug! applied standard formatting documentation and formatting Merged in errt/opal/feature/PurityTests (pull request #401) added a method to easily/efficiently determing that some instruction has no successor reformatting ...

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  2. Michael Eichberg reporter

    Merge branch 'develop' into feature/Scala2.12.X

    • develop: (31 commits) bumped the versions of the used libraries Merged in florian_kuebler/opal/feature/AdvancedFieldMutabilityAnalysis (pull request #398) updated files updated scalariform (which led to a (more-consistent) reformatting of several classes refined build process Restore old behavior of AbstractFixpointAnalysisTest on annotations without explicitly specified value attribute Merged in errt/opal/feature/AbstractFixpointAnalysisTest_conditions (pull request #400) updated scalariform Revert scalaLambdaDeserialize exported Java Formatter preferences (“hopefully” identical - to the Eclipse settings) fixed a bug where the fixture project was not recompiled if a files was “just” deleted fixed compile time bugs minor refactorings fixed issue #103 fixed compile time bug! applied standard formatting documentation and formatting Merged in errt/opal/feature/PurityTests (pull request #401) added a method to easily/efficiently determing that some instruction has no successor reformatting ...




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  3. Michael Eichberg reporter

    Merge branch 'develop' into feature/FixIssue#15

    • develop: (31 commits) bumped the versions of the used libraries Merged in florian_kuebler/opal/feature/AdvancedFieldMutabilityAnalysis (pull request #398) updated files updated scalariform (which led to a (more-consistent) reformatting of several classes refined build process Restore old behavior of AbstractFixpointAnalysisTest on annotations without explicitly specified value attribute Merged in errt/opal/feature/AbstractFixpointAnalysisTest_conditions (pull request #400) updated scalariform Revert scalaLambdaDeserialize exported Java Formatter preferences (“hopefully” identical - to the Eclipse settings) fixed a bug where the fixture project was not recompiled if a files was “just” deleted fixed compile time bugs minor refactorings fixed issue #103 fixed compile time bug! applied standard formatting documentation and formatting Merged in errt/opal/feature/PurityTests (pull request #401) added a method to easily/efficiently determing that some instruction has no successor reformatting ...




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