Cannot load classes where we have a jump to a goto which directly jumps to itself

Issue #110 resolved
Former user created an issue

Example (from MySQL)

453 2879    jsr 467                 
456 2885    goto 486                        
459 2880    astore 8                4: Any      
461 |   jsr 467                 
464 |   aload 8                     
466 |   athrow                      
467 |   astore 9                        
469 2881    aload_0                 5: Any  
470 |   getfield ...MysqlIO { ...ConnectionImpl connection }                    
473 |   iconst_0                    
474 |   iconst_0                    
475 |   iconst_1                    
476 |   aload_3                 
477 |   invokevirtual ...ConnectionImpl { void realClose (boolean, boolean, boolean, java.lang.Throwable) }                 
480 2883    aload_3                     
481 |   athrow                      
482 |   astore 10                       6: Any
484 |   aload_3                     
485 |   athrow                      
486 2888    goto 486

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