calling sbt in OPAL/bp and also OPAL/TOOLS/bp results in a deprecation warning

Issue #116 resolved
Michael Eichberg repo owner created an issue

... related to scalariform

Here is the message:

/build.sbt:96: warning: method scalariformSettingsWithIt in object autoImport is deprecated: Use scalariformItSettings
lazy val scalariformSettings = scalariformSettingsWithIt(true) ++

Comments (6)

  1. Michael Eichberg reporter

    Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

    • 'develop' of the PropertiesTest now supports any kind of annotation we now have a new supertype of Annotation and TypeAnnotation: AnnotationLike fixed assertion if the project is incomplete fixed name of the package formatting issues added annotation to isRelevant fixed bug if we have an empty line README.markdown edited online with Bitbucket documented major improvements, fixes and so on formatting bumped sbt version fixed issue #116 bumped the versions of the used libraries

    → <<cset 4c64b63ee477>>

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