when sorting a table in Hermes, the sorting is done lexically and not by (integer) value

Issue #127 resolved
Michael Eichberg repo owner created an issue

When we have a table of number, we expect them to be sorted by value and not lexicographically.

Comments (3)

  1. Michael Eichberg reporter

    Merge branch 'develop' into feature/MethodPurityAnalysis

    • develop: (254 commits) [fix] for method references using Boolean an exceptions was thrown when the code was rewritten [new] added method asBooleanType added hint regarding the usage of another domain fixed issue #127 [docs] improved [refactoring] improved the signature [todos] deleted an IMPROVE because there is nothing to improve [refactoring] we are now using toSet IntTrieSet methods are overridden improved the scaladoc fixes issue #124 fixed isIndexIsValid for array values forgotten commit.. improved asserts added several test cases related to array values and rnages refactored the ArrayValues domain and implemented sound support for tracking the length of arrays in common cases added remove regarding inefficient Option[Int] uses killed inefficient extractor added improve related to IntOption fixed comment ...

    → <<cset 131b7ac7d437>>

  2. Michael Eichberg reporter

    Merge branch 'develop' into feature/VirtualFormalParameters

    • develop: (36 commits) improved handling for access flags [fix] for method references using Boolean an exceptions was thrown when the code was rewritten [new] added method asBooleanType added hint regarding the usage of another domain fixed issue #127 [docs] improved [refactoring] improved the signature [todos] deleted an IMPROVE because there is nothing to improve [refactoring] we are now using toSet IntTrieSet methods are overridden improved the scaladoc fixes issue #124 fixed isIndexIsValid for array values forgotten commit.. improved asserts added several test cases related to array values and rnages refactored the ArrayValues domain and implemented sound support for tracking the length of arrays in common cases added remove regarding inefficient Option[Int] uses killed inefficient extractor added improve related to IntOption ...

    → <<cset 776a6cb79781>>

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