Error when comping Bug Picker

Issue #92 resolved
Willem Wyndham created an issue
[info] Loading project definition from /home/willem/Research/opal/opal/TOOLS/bp/project
[info] Set current project to BugPicker (in build file:/home/willem/Research/opal/opal/TOOLS/bp/)
[info] Compiling 25 Scala sources to /home/willem/Research/opal/opal/TOOLS/bp/ui/target/scala-2.11/classes...
[error] /home/willem/Research/opal/opal/TOOLS/bp/ui/src/main/scala/org/opalj/bugpicker/ui/ProjectExplorer.scala:62: object AsQuadruples is not a member of package org.opalj.tac
[error] import org.opalj.tac.AsQuadruples
[error]        ^
[error] /home/willem/Research/opal/opal/TOOLS/bp/ui/src/main/scala/org/opalj/bugpicker/ui/ProjectExplorer.scala:403: type mismatch;
[error]  found   : (declaringType:, methodInfo: String)String <and> (methodInfo: String)(implicit project: <and> (declaringClass:, methodInfo: String)String <and> (declaringType: <and> (project: <and> (declaringClass: <and> (withVisibility: Boolean)String
[error]  required: String
[error]                         val method = scala.xml.Text(m.toJava)
[error]                                                       ^
[error] /home/willem/Research/opal/opal/TOOLS/bp/ui/src/main/scala/org/opalj/bugpicker/ui/ProjectExplorer.scala:405: not found: value AsQuadruples
[error]                             scala.xml.Text(ToTxt(AsQuadruples(m, project.classHierarchy, None)._1, indented = true).mkString("\n")).toString
[error]                                                  ^
[error] /home/willem/Research/opal/opal/TOOLS/bp/ui/src/main/scala/org/opalj/bugpicker/ui/ProjectExplorer.scala:434: type mismatch;
[error]  found   : (declaringType:, methodInfo: String)String <and> (methodInfo: String)(implicit project: <and> (declaringClass:, methodInfo: String)String <and> (declaringType: <and> (project: <and> (declaringClass: <and> (withVisibility: Boolean)String
[error]  required: String
[error]                     val methodAsJava = scala.xml.Text(method.toJava)
[error]                                                              ^
[error] /home/willem/Research/opal/opal/TOOLS/bp/ui/src/main/scala/org/opalj/bugpicker/ui/ProjectExplorer.scala:62: Unused import
[error] import org.opalj.tac.AsQuadruples
[error]                      ^
[error] 5 errors found
[error] (BugPickerUI/compile:compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 19 s, completed Jun 29, 2017 6:01:27 PM

Comments (5)

  1. Michael Eichberg repo owner

    Merge branch 'develop' into feature/Scala2.12.X

    • develop: line endings corrected fixes issue #95 - improved documentation of AllocationSitesKey.scala improved the documentation moved FormalParameters to BR project; changed the origin information; added tests Adjusted comments to 100 character width Fixed name in comments (copy&paste mistake) Added a representation of formal parameters including a key to collect all formal parameters of all methods with a body. fixes issue #92 added documentation Added documentation and removed lazy modifier of project added -help parameter and a further note regarding the default behavior added a possibility to omnit the filter; added a possibility to just write out the body (fixes issue: #89) the class name is optional (again) (fixes issue #91) added missing types, improved formatting & documentation added a possibility to add initialization information for project keys to a project Print method name for failed tests improved allocation site doc Minor change to AbstractFixpointAnalysisTest to make it more flexible



    → <<cset bf0384cfce8a>>

  2. Michael Eichberg repo owner

    Merge branch 'develop' into feature/IDL2.0

    • develop: (25 commits) line endings corrected fixes issue #95 - improved documentation of AllocationSitesKey.scala improved the documentation moved FormalParameters to BR project; changed the origin information; added tests Adjusted comments to 100 character width Fixed name in comments (copy&paste mistake) Added a representation of formal parameters including a key to collect all formal parameters of all methods with a body. fixes issue #92 added documentation Added documentation and removed lazy modifier of project added -help parameter and a further note regarding the default behavior added a possibility to omnit the filter; added a possibility to just write out the body (fixes issue: #89) the class name is optional (again) (fixes issue #91) added missing types, improved formatting & documentation added a possibility to add initialization information for project keys to a project Print method name for failed tests improved allocation site doc minor formatting and documentation updates fixed typo in documentation fixed line number ...

    → <<cset 0f418bc886b6>>

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