Recent SBS series missing

Issue #102 resolved
Tinto Baggins created an issue

Some recent SBS series are missing entirely, eg Asylum City (Drama) and Spiral S6,S7 (Drama).

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Don’t know whether it will help, but I fixed the same problem by changing, load_all_video_entries(self),
    line 85:


        amount = 1000


        amount = 500

  2. Trade Surplus

    I also cannot find some SBS programs using Churchill (Biography) and Mary And Max (Animation). Both of these are films.

  3. delx repo owner
    • assigned issue to
    • edited description

    I’ve reduced the page size from 1000 to 500 as that does seem to fix the problem.

    A while ago I noticed that SBS would sometimes return duplicate results. I added a uniq set to detect and ignore these. It turns out that these duplicates only happen with large page sizes, and the duplicates are being returned instead of the missing shows.

    Very weird… I’ve left the duplicate detection in there and now it’ll print a warning if it sees duplicates. This will hopefully catch any similar occurrence in the future.

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