Patch for downloading multiple files in one request

Issue #91 resolved
Craig Lister created an issue

Not sure how to do a diff thingy; sorry

Comments (10)

  1. Tyler Durden

    what is the command for downloading multiple files in one request?

    if it works you should do a pull requests etc..

  2. Tyler Durden

    is this used for concurrent downloading?
    ie downloading more than one file/episode at a time?

    OR is this just so we can avoid having to type in each number at a time?

    ie 1-12
    instead of 1 2 3 . . . .12

    BUT the downloading will still occur one file at a time?

  3. delx repo owner

    It’s the latter. Files will still be downloaded sequentially. You can always run multiple copies of webdl to download in parallel :)

  4. Tyler Durden

    Thanks for the variant version you pushed..
    I like this much better and it makes it easier to choose single eps or a range of episodes..

    I just tested this patch and it truly is a time saver from previous methods of needing to type one number at a time..
    now I just type 1-20

    Thanks to Craig Lister for creating the original code.

    Is there any danger to downloading multiple streams concurrently from the same stream provider?
    ie it gets flagged by the stream provider?

  5. delx repo owner

    I doubt they’d notice or care about 2-3 streams in parallel. I really have no idea though, it depends on what sort of monitoring their ops team is doing :)

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