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Intelli5 CSE 237D / Software Description


#Project Summary:

The project is aimed at implementing a Robotic Arm companion that plays board games like Tic­Tac­Toe and Scrabble with a human player. We, the software team, will implement an image processing software that will take an image of the board game and run algorithm on the image to operate the Robotic ARM.



For the working of the game, we implemented the minmax algorithm. The code is written in python. The Algorithm looks for all the possible moves that the computer can play and choses the best possible move to go forward. To demonstrate this to user, we also implemented a GUI. The GUI mirrors the image of the state of the board. In the GUI, we have provided the user an interface to play the move by clicking on the empty box. After user plays its turn, the GUI has a “Next move” button which should be pushed to proceed with the game. Once the button is pressed, the algorithm runs in the background and the next move is played by the computer. We have also provided the restart button in which case the computer takes a snapshot of the initial stage of the game and proceeds with the next move.



In final implementation we plan to have a image of board from camera. Further this image will be processed and we will get a string. The string will contain all letters on board which are free or which can be converted into words and string will also contain all letters available with robotic arm. So when we pass such a string as an input to Scrabble game AI then game AI will process string and convert it into an english word. This word will again be given as an input to robotic arm and it will pick and place suitable letters.

3.Image to Text

Here we have used Pytesseract library from python. This library uses tesseract engine. Here if we provide an image then tesseract finds text in that image. So when we provide image of board to tesseract then for tic­tac­toe it will give example output as “XOBBBBOOX” and similarly for scrabble it will give example output as “ABTS”. So these strings will be passed to respective game engines. For this part we are using Logitech C210 cameras.

Gantt Chart

