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khk-independent / Basic setup

We are working in (Ubuntu) Linux using JetBrains PhpStorm IDE, Apache2, PHP5.4 and MySQL.

This guide uses the codename jolly for the project.


  • When you code: everything except the text visible to the user is in English: variables, file names, comments, commit messages...
  • Commit often with meaningful commit messages
  • Write comments for your code. Tip for PhpStorm: automagical PHPDoc


  • Download and install PhpStorm Note: This is professional commercial software and using it beyond 30 days requires a license. If you are starting to reach this limit, ask for the license in Skype channel (we have a valid, legit educational license for you).


  • Download the Kohana Framework files, unzip and put it under /var/www. Rename the folder to jolly (so your index.php is located at /var/www/jolly/index.php.
  • Open PhpStorm and choose Open Directory, browse to your project and open it.
  • Create a new file in your project root: .gitignore. Ignore cache, logs and .idea directory contents.
  • Create a new GitHub repository for the project
  • Initialize a new local git repository and do a initial commit for the framework files. GitHub gives you instructions for this. Make sure you do this in the project root (/var/www/jolly)!
  • Open the project in your browser: http://localhost/jolly. You should see the Kohana Install view. Fix errors shown by the Kohana installer. Most likely you'll have to chmod logs and cache directories so that Apache can write to it.
  • When the screen turns green delete install.php.

Note that you'll only change files in the application directory. Files under modules and system are not for editing!

  • Rename example.htaccess to .htaccess. Change RewriteBase to /jolly/.

Renaming in PhpStorm: Right click on the file, Refactor -> Rename. Familiarize yourself with the IDE and its shortcuts and options.

The Kohana framework is now ready for use.

Don't forget to do regular commits. Commits should happen after each change that can be "chunked" to be independant from other changes. The general rule is as often as possible. If you need to use the period in your commit message it's a sign that there are several changes in one commit. Use PhpStorm or the command line for commits.


  • Install and open PhpMyAdmin: http://localhost/phpmyadmin. Log in with the root user.
  • Create a new user jolly and a database for that user, also called jolly. Don't forget to allow the user access to that database and that database only (no global permissions!)
  • Copy modules/database/config/database.php to application/config/database.php and write your database access info into the default configuration inside that file.
  • Write Cookie::$salt = 'my-random-32-char-string'; into application/bootstrap.php. This is required to use cookies. Use a password generator for this, I like
  • Open up the database in PhpMyAdmin and import modules/orm/auth-schema-mysql.sql into the database. You should see some role and user handling tables appearing, great!
  • Enable ORM, database and auth modules.

The HTML controller

You should still see "hello, world!" when viewing the project in a browser. We want to display some HTML (a template) with changing content area, for that we need to modify the default controller.

We'll be working in the application/classes/Controller dir.

  • Create a new controller: Main.php. The main controller extends Controller_Template. All our controllers (except the login one) will be extending this.
  • Rename the Welcome controller to Dash. Don't forget that the class and file names must match for autoloading to work as described in the Kohana documentation.
  • Make the Dash controller extend Controller_Main
  • Change the default route in your bootstrap.php. We changed our default controller name from welcome to dash.
  • Delete $this->response->body('hello, world!'); from the index action body
  • Create views/template.php. This is where your HTML master template goes, just copy-paste a Bootstrap example into it. Pro tip: remove all the unneeded parts. The JS, favicons etc.
  • Open http://localhost/jolly/dash. You should see rendered HTML from your views/template.php file. It looks messy tho (unstyled). That's because there is no CSS file loaded. Let's fix that.
  • Head over to Bootstrap CDN. Copy-paste the "Complete CSS (Responsive, With Icons)" HTML line and put it in the <head> of your template.

You should now have a working and rendered HTML template. My screen looks something like this:

Template view

One more thing tho: dynamic content (for each controller/action we want different content, but the same wrapper or the template.

  • Create: application/views/dash/index.php. Write some content in it: `

    I am the dash/index view!

  • In your Controller_Dash, inside the index action (where the $this->response->body() line was), write: $this->template->content = View::factory('dash/index');
  • In your template file (views/template.php) locate the part where the main content goes. If you used the minimalistic starter template, it's inside <div class="container">HERE</div>
  • Echo the variable $content in that place: <div class="container"><?=$content?></div>
  • Refresh the page - you should see the index view content rendered in your template.

Dynamic content screen

Well done, you have a basic Kohana setup with database and HTML template support. Move on to the next part: Implementing Login.

Moving on

Next up: Implementing login


The Dash controller

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');

class Controller_Dash extends Controller_Main
    public function action_index()
        $this->template->content = View::factory('dash/index');
