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VW DLibrary / 2016 / api / document

MODULE dlibrary.document

Used for all document related stuff, like units, layers, resources, ....


........................Clazz(dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject, IClazzAttributes)
................SymbolDefinition(AbstractResource, IRecords)
........Clazz(dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject, IClazzAttributes)

class AbstractResource(dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject)

Class to represent a document resource.

> dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject > builtins.object

__init__(self, handle_or_name, name: str='')

OBSOLETE name parameter. Will be removed and is now optional.
:type handle_or_name: vs.Handle | str

create_placeholder(name: str)

handle GET :rtype: vs.Handle

name GET :rtype: str

class AbstractResourceList(builtins.object)

__init__(self, resource_type: int, abstract_resource: <built-in function callable>, location: int=0, folder: int=0, path: str='')

:type location: ResourceLocation
:type folder: ResourceFolder

get_abstract_resource_clazz(self) -> <built-in function callable>

get_resource(self, name: str) -> AbstractResource

id GET ``

is_resource_in_document(self, name: str) -> bool

is_resource_in_list(self, name: str) -> bool

names GET ``

remove_resource(self, name: str)

type GET ``

class AbstractVectorFill(dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject)

Abstract base class for vector fills = fill resources.

> dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject > builtins.object

__init__(self, handle_or_name)

:type handle_or_name: vs.Handle | str

handle GET :rtype: vs.Handle

name GET :rtype: str

class AbstractVectorLine(dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject)

Abstract base class for vector lines = line resources.

> dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject > builtins.object

__init__(self, handle_or_name)

:type handle_or_name: vs.Handle | str

handle GET :rtype: vs.Handle

name GET :rtype: str

class Clazz(dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject, IClazzAttributes)

Class for working with class definitions.

> dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject > IClazzAttributes > IAttributes > builtins.object

__init__(self, handle_or_name)

:type handle_or_name: vs.Handle | str

create(name: str)

Creates a new class with the given name.
:rtype: Clazz

fill GET/SET :rtype: PatternFillEnum | T <= AbstractVectorFill

get_or_create(name: str)

Gets the class, creates if not found.
:rtype: Clazz

handle GET :rtype: vs.Handle

line GET/SET ":rtype: PatternFillEnum | T <= AbstractVectorLine

name GET :rtype: str

class DataFieldTypeEnum(builtins.object)

Holds all data field type constants. There are for data records and worksheets, not for PIO field types.

  • BOOLEAN = 2
  • INTEGER = 1
  • TEXT = 4

class DefinitionTypeEnum(builtins.object)

SYMBOL_DEFINITION is OBSOLETE. Use ObjectTypeEnum from object_base!


class DesignLayer(Layer)

> Layer > builtins.object

__init__(self, handle: vs.Handle)

description GET ``

drawing_area GET ``


name GET For a sheet layer, VW calls this the number!

scale GET ``

class Document(IDocumentAttributes)

Class to represent the active document. Python scripts are always executed in context of the currently active document, that's why this is a singleton.

> IDocumentAttributes > IAttributes > builtins.object

design_layers GET :rtype: set(DesignLayer)

filename GET ``

fill GET/SET :rtype: PatternFillEnum | T <= AbstractVectorFill

layers GET :rtype: set(Layer)

line GET/SET ":rtype: PatternFillEnum | T <= AbstractVectorLine

saved GET ``

sheet_layers GET :rtype: set(SheetLayer)

text_size GET/SET `Text size in points

:rtype: float`

class GradientVectorFill(AbstractVectorFill)

> AbstractVectorFill > dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject > builtins.object

__init__(self, handle_or_name)

:type handle_or_name: vs.Handle | str

handle GET :rtype: vs.Handle

name GET :rtype: str

class HatchVectorFill(AbstractVectorFill)

> AbstractVectorFill > dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject > builtins.object

__init__(self, handle_or_name)

:type handle_or_name: vs.Handle | str

handle GET :rtype: vs.Handle

name GET :rtype: str

class IAttributes(builtins.object)

Abstract interface for handling attributes.

fill GET/SET :rtype: PatternFillEnum | T <= AbstractVectorFill

line GET/SET ":rtype: PatternFillEnum | T <= AbstractVectorLine

class IClazzAttributes(IAttributes)

Interface for handling class attributes.

> IAttributes > builtins.object

fill GET/SET :rtype: PatternFillEnum | T <= AbstractVectorFill

line GET/SET ":rtype: PatternFillEnum | T <= AbstractVectorLine

class IDocumentAttributes(IAttributes)

Interface for handling document attributes.

> IAttributes > builtins.object

fill GET/SET :rtype: PatternFillEnum | T <= AbstractVectorFill

line GET/SET ":rtype: PatternFillEnum | T <= AbstractVectorLine

class IRecords(builtins.object)

Interface that handles attached records.

records GET :rtype: dict[str, Record]

class ImageVectorFill(AbstractVectorFill)

> AbstractVectorFill > dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject > builtins.object

__init__(self, handle_or_name)

:type handle_or_name: vs.Handle | str

handle GET :rtype: vs.Handle

name GET :rtype: str

class Layer(builtins.object)

__init__(self, handle: vs.Handle)

description GET ``

drawing_area GET ``


name GET For a sheet layer, VW calls this the number!

class LineStyle(AbstractVectorLine)

> AbstractVectorLine > dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject > builtins.object

__init__(self, handle_or_name)

:type handle_or_name: vs.Handle | str

handle GET :rtype: vs.Handle

name GET :rtype: str

class PatternFillEnum(builtins.object)

Holds the most important pattern fill indices in a human readable name. These are No fill, background color fill and foreground color fill. It is recommended to not use any other fills anymore, as there are several issues with them, especially with printing.

  • NONE = 0

class PioFieldTypeEnum(builtins.object)

Holds all data field type constants for PIO fields.

  • BOOLEAN = 2
  • INTEGER = 1
  • REAL = 3
  • TEXT = 4
  • TEXT_POPUP = 8
  • TEXT_STATIC = 14

class Record(dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject)

Class to represent a record instance, aka attached record.

> dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject > builtins.object

__init__(self, handle: vs.Handle, object_handle: vs.Handle)

fields GET :rtype: OrderedDict[str, RecordField]

get_field(self, index: int) -> RecordField

Get the field based on it's index, 1-n based.

handle GET :rtype: vs.Handle

name GET :rtype: str

parametric GET :rtype: bool

class RecordDefinition(AbstractResource)

Class to represent a record definition.

> AbstractResource > dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject > builtins.object

__init__(self, handle_or_name, name: str='')

OBSOLETE name parameter. Will be removed and is now made optional.
:type handle_or_name: vs.Handle | str

create_placeholder(name: str)

fields GET ``

handle GET :rtype: vs.Handle

name GET :rtype: str

class RecordDefinitionResourceList(AbstractResourceList)

> AbstractResourceList > builtins.object

__init__(self, location: int=0, folder: int=0, path: str='')

:type location: ResourceLocation
:type folder: ResourceFolder

get_abstract_resource_clazz(self) -> <built-in function callable>

get_resource(self, name: str) -> AbstractResource

id GET ``

is_resource_in_document(self, name: str) -> bool

is_resource_in_list(self, name: str) -> bool

names GET ``

remove_resource(self, name: str)

type GET ``

class RecordField(builtins.object)

Class to handle record instance fields.

__init__(self, record_handle: vs.Handle, index: int, record_name: str, object_handle: vs.Handle, parametric: bool)

name GET :rtype: str

type GET :rtype: DataFieldTypeEnum | PioFieldTypeEnum

value GET/SET :rtype: str | int | bool | float

class ResourceFolder(builtins.object)

"Constants for all possible application resource folders.

  • DEFAULTS = 14
  • NONE = 0

class ResourceLocation(builtins.object)

"Constants that reflect where to get the asked resources from.

  • APP = -1
  • DOC = 0
  • DOC_APP = 1

class SheetLayer(Layer)

> Layer > builtins.object

__init__(self, handle: vs.Handle)

description GET ``

drawing_area GET ``


name GET For a sheet layer, VW calls this the number!

title GET ``

class SymbolDefinition(AbstractResource, IRecords)

Class to represent a symbol definition.

> AbstractResource > dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject > IRecords > builtins.object

__init__(self, handle_or_name, name: str='')

OBSOLETE name parameter. This will be removed and is now optional.
:type handle: vs.Handle | str

create_placeholder(name: str)

get_by_name(name: str)

OBSOLETE. Use ObjectRepository().get(handle_or_name) from object_base instead.

handle GET :rtype: vs.Handle

name GET :rtype: str

place_symbol(self, insertion_point: tuple, rotation: float)

OBSOLETE, use Symbol.create instead!

records GET :rtype: dict[str, Record]

class SymbolDefinitionResourceList(AbstractResourceList)

> AbstractResourceList > builtins.object

__init__(self, location: int=0, folder: int=0, path: str='')

:type location: ResourceLocation
:type folder: ResourceFolder

get_abstract_resource_clazz(self) -> <built-in function callable>

get_resource(self, name: str) -> AbstractResource

id GET ``

is_resource_in_document(self, name: str) -> bool

is_resource_in_list(self, name: str) -> bool

names GET ``

remove_resource(self, name: str)

type GET ``

class TileVectorFill(AbstractVectorFill)

> AbstractVectorFill > dlibrary.object_base.AbstractKeyedObject > builtins.object

__init__(self, handle_or_name)

:type handle_or_name: vs.Handle | str

handle GET :rtype: vs.Handle

name GET :rtype: str

class Units(builtins.object)

length_precision GET :rtype: int


Will return the same, but length unit strings will be transformed to floats.
For a float or str dimension, this will return a float.
For a tuple, which would be a point, this will return a tuple of floats.

:type dimension: float | str | tuple
:rtype: float | tuple

to_area_string(araa_in_area_units: float, with_unit_mark: bool=False) -> str

to_area_units(area_in_square_inches: float) -> float

to_cubic_inches(volume_in_volume_units: float) -> float

to_inches(length_in_length_units_or_str: float) -> float

:type length_in_length_units_or_str: float || str

to_length_string(length_in_length_units: float, with_unit_mark: bool=False) -> str

to_length_units(length_in_inches_or_str: float) -> float

:type length_in_inches_or_str: float || str

to_square_inches(area_in_area_units: float) -> float

to_volume_string(volume_in_volume_units: float, with_unit_mark: bool=False) -> str

to_volume_units(volume_in_cubic_inches: float) -> float


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