Creating OSX Homebrew (Mac OS X package manager) formula

Issue #166 resolved
luz paz created an issue

Attempting to create formula to build a stable and HEAD version of Valentina for OSX.

Comments (59)

  1. luz paz reporter

    objcopy on OSX is called gobjcopy
    aliases in .bash_profile are not honored in homebrew
    so is it possible to specify that if Valentina is being built on OSX via homebrew to use gobjcopy ?

  2. luz paz reporter
    /Applications/ -c -pipe -O2 -g -isysroot /Applications/ -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -Wall -W -fPIC -DQMUPARSER_LIBRARY -DQT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_CORE_LIB -I/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.2/mkspecs/macx-clang -I. -I/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.2/lib/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/Headers -Imoc -F/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.2/lib -o obj/stable.o stable.cpp
    qmuparsertest.cpp:648:33: error: use of undeclared identifier 'M_PI'
        iStat += EqnTest ( "-_pi", -M_PI, true );
    qmuparsertest.cpp:1182:14: error: use of undeclared identifier 'fabs'
            if ( fabs ( a_fRes1 - fVal[0] ) > 0.0000000001 )
    qmuparsertest.cpp:1187:14: error: use of undeclared identifier 'fabs'
            if ( fabs ( a_fRes2 - fVal[1] ) > 0.0000000001 )
    qmuparsertest.cpp:1234:43: error: use of undeclared identifier 'M_PI'
            p1->DefineConst ( "pi", ( qreal ) M_PI );
    qmuparsertest.cpp:1235:42: error: use of undeclared identifier 'M_E'
            p1->DefineConst ( "e", ( qreal ) M_E );
    qmuparsertest.cpp:1345:31: error: use of undeclared identifier 'fabs'
                bCloseEnough &= ( fabs ( a_fRes - fVal[i] ) <= fabs ( fVal[i] * 0.00001 ) );
    qmuparsertest.cpp:1345:60: error: use of undeclared identifier 'fabs'
                bCloseEnough &= ( fabs ( a_fRes - fVal[i] ) <= fabs ( fVal[i] * 0.00001 ) );
    qmuparsertest.cpp:1359:49: error: use of undeclared identifier 'fabs'
                    bCloseEnough &= (qFuzzyCompare( fabs ( fVal[i] ), std::numeric_limits<qreal>::infinity())==false );
    8 errors generated.
    make[3]: *** [obj/qmuparsertest.o] Error 1
    make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
    make[2]: *** [sub-qmuparser-make_first-ordered] Error 2
    make[1]: *** [sub-libs-make_first-ordered] Error 2
    make: *** [sub-src-make_first] Error 2
  3. luz paz reporter

    New error:

    gobjcopy --only-keep-debug bin//libqmuparser.2.2.4.dylib bin//libqmuparser.2.2.4.dylib.debug && strip --strip-debug --strip-unneeded bin//libqmuparser.2.2.4.dylib && gobjcopy --add-gnu-debuglink bin//libqmuparser.2.2.4.dylib.debug bin//libqmuparser.2.2.4.dylib
    error: /Applications/ unrecognized option: --strip-debug
    Usage: /Applications/ [-AnuSXx] [-] [-d filename] [-s filename] [-R filename] [-o output] file [...]
    make[3]: *** [bin/libqmuparser.2.2.4.dylib] Error 1
    make[2]: *** [sub-qmuparser-make_first-ordered] Error 2
    make[1]: *** [sub-libs-make_first-ordered] Error 2
    make: *** [sub-src-make_first] Error 2
  4. luz paz reporter

    In the strip man page there is the -S flag:

    -S     Remove the debugging symbol table entries (those created by the -g option to cc(1) and other compilers).

    Is this the same as --strip-debug ?

  5. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner


    Form strip man:
    When strip is used with no options on an executable file, it checks that file to see if it uses the dynamic link editor. If it does, the effect of the strip command is the same as using the -u and -r options. If the file does not use the dynamic link editor, the effect of strip without any options is the same as using the -s option of ld(1). The options -S, -x, and -X have the same effect as the ld(1) options. The options to strip(1) can be com- bined to trim the symbol table to just what is desired.
    I mean better don't use any option and give strip decide what to do.

  6. luz paz reporter
     I mean better don't use any option and give strip decide what to do.

    A-OK. let me know when you've made the commit to remove --strip-debug

  7. luz paz reporter

    New error:

    gobjcopy --only-keep-debug bin/libqmuparser.2.2.4.dylib bin/libqmuparser.2.2.4.dylib.debug && strip bin/libqmuparser.2.2.4.dylib && gobjcopy --add-gnu-debuglink bin/libqmuparser.2.2.4.dylib.debug bin/libqmuparser.2.2.4.dylib
    /Applications/ symbols referenced by indirect symbol table entries that can't be stripped in: /private/tmp/Valentina-lfESeC/dismine-valentina-f1b54a708543/src/libs/qmuparser/bin/libqmuparser.2.2.4.dylib
    make[3]: *** [bin/libqmuparser.2.2.4.dylib] Error 1
    make[2]: *** [sub-qmuparser-make_first-ordered] Error 2
    make[1]: *** [sub-libs-make_first-ordered] Error 2
    make: *** [sub-src-make_first] Error 2
  8. luz paz reporter
    /Applications/ -c -pipe -O2 -g -isysroot /Applications/ -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -Wall -W -fPIE -DQT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT -DLOC_REV=0 -DDATADIR=\"/usr/local/Cellar/Valentina/HEAD/share\" -DPKGDATADIR=\"\" -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_PRINTSUPPORT_LIB -DQT_SVG_LIB -DQT_XMLPATTERNS_LIB -DQT_WIDGETS_LIB -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DQT_XML_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -I/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.2/mkspecs/macx-clang -I. -Iwidgets -I../libs/qmuparser -I../libs/vpropertyexplorer -I/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.2/lib/QtPrintSupport.framework/Versions/5/Headers -I/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.2/lib/QtSvg.framework/Versions/5/Headers -I/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.2/lib/QtXmlPatterns.framework/Versions/5/Headers -I/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.2/lib/QtWidgets.framework/Versions/5/Headers -I/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.2/lib/QtNetwork.framework/Versions/5/Headers -I/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.2/lib/QtXml.framework/Versions/5/Headers -I/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.2/lib/QtGui.framework/Versions/5/Headers -I/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.2/lib/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/Headers -Imoc -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -Iuic -F/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.2/lib -o obj/varc.o geometry/varc.cpp
    geometry/vdetail.cpp:97:23: error: out-of-line definition of 'operator[]' does not match any declaration in 'VDetail'
    VNodeDetail &VDetail::operator [](int indx)
    geometry/vdetail.cpp:103:29: error: out-of-line definition of 'at' does not match any declaration in 'VDetail'
    const VNodeDetail &VDetail::at(int indx) const
    geometry/vdetail.cpp:109:14: error: return type of out-of-line definition of 'VDetail::indexOfNode' differs from that in the declaration
    int VDetail::indexOfNode(const quint32 &id) const
    geometry/vdetail.h:178:20: note: previous declaration is here
        ptrdiff_t      indexOfNode(const quint32 &id) const;
    geometry/vdetail.cpp:165:14: error: return type of out-of-line definition of 'VDetail::Edge' differs from that in the declaration
    int VDetail::Edge(const quint32 &p1, const quint32 &p2) const
    geometry/vdetail.h:204:20: note: previous declaration is here
        ptrdiff_t      Edge(const quint32 &p1, const quint32 &p2)const;
    4 errors generated.
    make[2]: *** [obj/vdetail.o] Error 1
    make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
    make[1]: *** [sub-app-make_first-ordered] Error 2
    make: *** [sub-src-make_first] Error 2
  9. luz paz reporter
    /Applications/ -headerpad_max_install_names -Wl,-syslibroot,/Applications/ -stdlib=libc++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -o bin/ obj/vcontainer.o obj/calculator.o obj/vmeasurement.o obj/vincrement.o obj/vvariable.o obj/vinternalvariable.o obj/vlineangle.o obj/varclength.o obj/vcurvelength.o obj/vlinelength.o obj/vsplinelength.o obj/vformula.o obj/dialogtriangle.o obj/dialogtool.o obj/dialogsplinepath.o obj/dialogspline.o obj/dialogsinglepoint.o obj/dialogshoulderpoint.o obj/dialogpointofintersection.o obj/dialogpointofcontact.o obj/dialognormal.o obj/dialoglineintersect.o obj/dialogline.o obj/dialogheight.o obj/dialogendline.o obj/dialogdetail.o obj/dialogbisector.o obj/dialogarc.o obj/dialogalongline.o obj/dialogcutspline.o obj/dialogcutsplinepath.o obj/dialoguniondetails.o obj/dialogcutarc.o obj/dialogincrements.o obj/dialoghistory.o obj/configdialog.o obj/dialogpatternproperties.o obj/dialogmeasurements.o obj/dialogstandardmeasurements.o obj/dialogindividualmeasurements.o obj/dialogaboutapp.o obj/dialogpatternxmledit.o obj/dialogeditwrongformula.o obj/configurationpage.o obj/patternpage.o obj/communitypage.o obj/pathpage.o obj/dialogundo.o obj/vexceptionobjecterror.o obj/vexceptionemptyparameter.o obj/vexceptionconversionerror.o obj/vexceptionbadid.o obj/vexception.o obj/vexceptionwrongid.o obj/vexceptionundo.o obj/vsplinepoint.o obj/vsplinepath.o obj/vspline.o obj/vnodedetail.o obj/vdetail.o obj/varc.o obj/vgobject.o obj/vpointf.o obj/vequidistant.o obj/vabstractcurve.o obj/vtooldetail.o obj/vdatatool.o obj/vabstracttool.o obj/vtooltriangle.o obj/vtoolsplinepath.o obj/vtoolspline.o obj/vtoolsinglepoint.o obj/vtoolshoulderpoint.o obj/vtoolpointofintersection.o obj/vtoolpointofcontact.o obj/vtoolpoint.o obj/vtoolnormal.o obj/vtoollinepoint.o obj/vtoollineintersect.o obj/vtoolline.o obj/vtoolheight.o obj/vtoolendline.o obj/vtoolbisector.o obj/vtoolarc.o obj/vtoolalongline.o obj/vdrawtool.o obj/vnodesplinepath.o obj/vnodespline.o obj/vnodepoint.o obj/vnodearc.o obj/vabstractnode.o obj/vtoolcutspline.o obj/vtoolcutsplinepath.o obj/vtooluniondetails.o obj/vtoolcutarc.o obj/vabstractspline.o obj/vtoolcut.o obj/vtablegraphicsview.o obj/vmaingraphicsview.o obj/vmaingraphicsscene.o obj/vitem.o obj/doubledelegate.o obj/textdelegate.o obj/vtooloptionspropertybrowser.o obj/vformulapropertyeditor.o obj/vformulaproperty.o obj/vtoolrecord.o obj/vdomdocument.o obj/vpattern.o obj/vstandardmeasurements.o obj/vindividualmeasurements.o obj/vabstractmeasurements.o obj/addtocalc.o obj/addpatternpiece.o obj/movespoint.o obj/movespline.o obj/movesplinepath.o obj/savetooloptions.o obj/savedetailoptions.o obj/movedetail.o obj/deltool.o obj/deletepatternpiece.o obj/adddetnode.o obj/adddet.o obj/adduniondetails.o obj/deletedetail.o obj/vundocommand.o obj/renamepp.o obj/vgraphicssimpletextitem.o obj/vcontrolpointspline.o obj/vsimplecurve.o obj/visline.o obj/vistoolline.o obj/vistoolendline.o obj/vistoolalongline.o obj/vistoolbisector.o obj/vistoolshoulderpoint.o obj/vistoolnormal.o obj/vistoolheight.o obj/vistoolpointofintersection.o obj/vistooltriangle.o obj/vistoolpointofcontact.o obj/vistoollineintersect.o obj/visualization.o obj/vistoolarc.o obj/vispath.o obj/vistoolcutarc.o obj/vistoolspline.o obj/vistoolcutspline.o obj/vistoolsplinepath.o obj/vistoolcutsplinepath.o obj/vapplication.o obj/vtranslation.o obj/undoevent.o obj/qcommandlineoption.o obj/qcommandlineparser.o obj/main.o obj/mainwindow.o obj/tablewindow.o obj/stable.o obj/version.o obj/options.o obj/qrc_icon.o obj/qrc_cursor.o obj/qrc_theme.o obj/qrc_schema.o obj/qrc_measurements.o obj/moc_dialogtriangle.o obj/moc_dialogtool.o obj/moc_dialogsplinepath.o obj/moc_dialogspline.o obj/moc_dialogsinglepoint.o obj/moc_dialogshoulderpoint.o obj/moc_dialogpointofintersection.o obj/moc_dialogpointofcontact.o obj/moc_dialognormal.o obj/moc_dialoglineintersect.o obj/moc_dialogline.o obj/moc_dialogheight.o obj/moc_dialogendline.o obj/moc_dialogdetail.o obj/moc_dialogbisector.o obj/moc_dialogarc.o obj/moc_dialogalongline.o obj/moc_dialogcutspline.o obj/moc_dialogcutsplinepath.o obj/moc_dialoguniondetails.o obj/moc_dialogcutarc.o obj/moc_dialogincrements.o obj/moc_dialoghistory.o obj/moc_configdialog.o obj/moc_dialogpatternproperties.o obj/moc_dialogmeasurements.o obj/moc_dialogstandardmeasurements.o obj/moc_dialogindividualmeasurements.o obj/moc_dialogaboutapp.o obj/moc_dialogeditwrongformula.o obj/moc_dialogpatternxmledit.o obj/moc_configurationpage.o obj/moc_patternpage.o obj/moc_communitypage.o obj/moc_pathpage.o obj/moc_dialogundo.o obj/moc_vtooldetail.o obj/moc_vdatatool.o obj/moc_vabstracttool.o obj/moc_vtooltriangle.o obj/moc_vtoolsplinepath.o obj/moc_vtoolspline.o obj/moc_vtoolsinglepoint.o obj/moc_vtoolshoulderpoint.o obj/moc_vtoolpointofintersection.o obj/moc_vtoolpointofcontact.o obj/moc_vtoolpoint.o obj/moc_vtoolnormal.o obj/moc_vtoollinepoint.o obj/moc_vtoollineintersect.o obj/moc_vtoolline.o obj/moc_vtoolheight.o obj/moc_vtoolendline.o obj/moc_vtoolbisector.o obj/moc_vtoolarc.o obj/moc_vtoolalongline.o obj/moc_vdrawtool.o obj/moc_vnodesplinepath.o obj/moc_vnodespline.o obj/moc_vnodepoint.o obj/moc_vnodearc.o obj/moc_vabstractnode.o obj/moc_vtoolcutspline.o obj/moc_vtoolcutsplinepath.o obj/moc_vtooluniondetails.o obj/moc_vtoolcutarc.o obj/moc_vabstractspline.o obj/moc_vtoolcut.o obj/moc_vtablegraphicsview.o obj/moc_vmaingraphicsview.o obj/moc_vmaingraphicsscene.o obj/moc_vitem.o obj/moc_doubledelegate.o obj/moc_textdelegate.o obj/moc_vtooloptionspropertybrowser.o obj/moc_vformulapropertyeditor.o obj/moc_vpattern.o obj/moc_addtocalc.o obj/moc_addpatternpiece.o obj/moc_movespoint.o obj/moc_movespline.o obj/moc_movesplinepath.o obj/moc_savetooloptions.o obj/moc_savedetailoptions.o obj/moc_movedetail.o obj/moc_deltool.o obj/moc_deletepatternpiece.o obj/moc_adddetnode.o obj/moc_adddet.o obj/moc_adduniondetails.o obj/moc_deletedetail.o obj/moc_vundocommand.o obj/moc_renamepp.o obj/moc_vgraphicssimpletextitem.o obj/moc_vcontrolpointspline.o obj/moc_vsimplecurve.o obj/moc_visline.o obj/moc_vistoolline.o obj/moc_vistoolendline.o obj/moc_vistoolalongline.o obj/moc_vistoolbisector.o obj/moc_vistoolshoulderpoint.o obj/moc_vistoolnormal.o obj/moc_vistoolheight.o obj/moc_vistoolpointofintersection.o obj/moc_vistooltriangle.o obj/moc_vistoolpointofcontact.o obj/moc_vistoollineintersect.o obj/moc_visualization.o obj/moc_vistoolarc.o obj/moc_vispath.o obj/moc_vistoolcutarc.o obj/moc_vistoolspline.o obj/moc_vistoolcutspline.o obj/moc_vistoolsplinepath.o obj/moc_vistoolcutsplinepath.o obj/moc_vapplication.o obj/moc_mainwindow.o obj/moc_tablewindow.o   -F/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.2/lib -L/private/tmp/Valentina-TLpcnx/dismine-valentina-5ae5a239d2af/src/app/../libs/qmuparser/bin -lqmuparser -L/private/tmp/Valentina-TLpcnx/dismine-valentina-5ae5a239d2af/src/app/../libs/vpropertyexplorer/bin -lvpropertyexplorer -framework QtPrintSupport -framework QtWidgets -framework QtGui -framework QtCore -framework QtSvg -framework QtXmlPatterns -framework QtNetwork -framework QtXml -framework OpenGL -framework AGL
    ld: dylib /private/tmp/Valentina-TLpcnx/dismine-valentina-5ae5a239d2af/src/libs/vpropertyexplorer/bin/libvpropertyexplorer.dylib missing LC_ID_DYLIB load command file '/private/tmp/Valentina-TLpcnx/dismine-valentina-5ae5a239d2af/src/libs/vpropertyexplorer/bin/libvpropertyexplorer.dylib' for architecture x86_64
    clang: error: unable to execute command: Segmentation fault: 11
    clang: error: linker command failed due to signal (use -v to see invocation)
    make[2]: *** [bin/] Error 254
    make[1]: *** [sub-app-make_first-ordered] Error 2
    make: *** [sub-src-make_first] Error 2
  10. luz paz reporter

    re: (Commit 2441e38) Disable compile with debug information on mac.

    weren't we close ? IMO, it would be good to have debug symbols in mac build as an option so it can help devs fix issues on OSX builds of Valentina in the ?

  11. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Why did i add debug symbols? Because many people who compile program from sources want debug in "release" mode. For common user it is not useful. You can easy get debug symbols if compile with command qmake -r CONFIG+=debug. Because we want share this binary better strip debug symbols in separate file (*.debug) and link to debugger like i did in linux. I will return debug symbols if only someone will find correct command for strip and store debug symbols on mac.

  12. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    I think you need to set correct prefix for make install.
    Default is /usr:

    unix {
    isEmpty(PREFIX) {
      PREFIX = /usr
  13. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    I think default (HOMEBREW_PREFIX) or prefix (#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Cellar/#{name}/#{version}).

    We already have this:

    def install
        args = %W[
        system "qmake", "./", *args

    This code should work.

  14. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Yes, we can. I already showed you example. qmake PREFIX=/usr/local ../$(APPNAME).pro -r.

  15. luz paz reporter

    "From your build logs, given that part of the contents were installed into the provided prefix and others aren't, my guess would be that part of the build process respects the passed PREFIX and other parts dont" -homebrew dev

  16. luz paz reporter
    mistym: Looking at the .pro/.pri files, I notice that src/app/{i,o} references PREFIX and builds paths relative to there 
    mistym: But the libs in qmuparser and vpropertyexplorer don't reference PREFIX at all and just specify /usr/lib directly
    mistym: Incidentally, those two libs are the ones it tried to install into the wrong places.
  17. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Yes, answer is correct. Because where install libraries and binary choose qmake directly. I will try find way to change prefix for qmake too.

  18. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Sorry, now i can't make change to code because i am in Berlin. In Tuesday i will return to home and we will continue developing.

  19. luz paz reporter

    Ok the build process and install complete. Looks like there is some harcoded linking going on:

    When I try to open it, it crashes hard

    dyld: Library not loaded: libqmuparser.2.dylib
      Referenced from: /usr/local/Cellar/Valentina/HEAD/
      Reason: image not found
    Trace/BPT trap: 5

    From machomebrew:

    Looks like the install names are bad: it's not referencing the full path, just the short name of the libraries.
    libqmuparser.2.dylib and libvpropertyexplorer.1.dylib are referred to only by their filenames names, not by their full paths
  20. luz paz reporter

    Bingo! OK .. some follow up fixes:

    `brew ls -v valentina` output:
    mistym:Only problem I see is that is in bin/ now
    Kunda: instead of just PREFIX
    mistym: Yeah
    mistym: (Actually, it's also weird that doesn't contain all of the app's contents)
    mistym: It's kind of half an app bundle, half a Unix-style layout
    Kunda: what does a complete app bundle look like ?
    mistym: A complete app bundle is self-contained: all of its contents are within the .app. So the libraries, the stuff from share, etc. live inside the .app
  21. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    I think we should use on the last stage (after make) something like this macdeployqt -dmg. Or even replace make install with macdeployqt.

  22. luz paz reporter

    I don't know. Is macdeployqt used to bundle packages for deplyoment. Can we use macdeployqt it in a homebrew formula or in another script? If we're making something to submit to Homebrew as a valid formula I doubt that they'd would allow it. I'm assuming all this.

    In my mind I'd like to have the homebrew formula have the following compiling options: stable devel HEAD

    If we're going to package then using macdelployqt it would be in a separate script.

  23. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    "I gave up on QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA, from what I can tell it doesn't work for app_bundle targets. Instead I'm using INSTALLS and make install to generate the app bundle then triggering a call to macdeployqt to finish things off. It isn't ideal, but it does the trick."

  24. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    So, i see that without access to Mac Os i can't do much. If we want create bundle we need to change qmake script. But without experiments it is very hard for me. Also we have several paths in program that need to check on Mac after run from bundle. Another part it is repository history. I don't want see all this experiments in repository. We should find someone who can make for us this job on Mac.

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