Drag a curve to edit it.

Issue #215 resolved
Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner created an issue

Like many vector editors Valentina should allow user change curve by dragging it.

Bezier curve through three points

// Magic Bezier Drag Equations follow!
// "weight" describes how the influence of the drag should be distributed
// among the handles; 0 = front handle only, 1 = back handle only.
double weight, t = _t;
if (t <= 1.0 / 6.0) weight = 0;
else if (t <= 0.5) weight = (pow((6 * t - 1) / 2.0, 3)) / 2;
else if (t <= 5.0 / 6.0) weight = (1 - pow((6 * (1-t) - 1) / 2.0, 3)) / 2 + 0.5;
else weight = 1;

Geom::Point delta = new_pos - position();
Geom::Point offset0 = ((1-weight)/(3*t*(1-t)*(1-t))) * delta;
Geom::Point offset1 = (weight/(3*t*t*(1-t))) * delta;

first->front()->move(first->front()->position() + offset0);
second->back()->move(second->back()->position() + offset1);

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