Additional measurements should be saved in measurements file

Issue #231 duplicate
Former user created an issue

I created a pattern with individual measurements. As the measurements in the first tab are currently untranslated, I added the measurements I wanted to the second tab. However, when I tried to reuse the measurements in a second pattern, all my entries were lost. I can see two possible solutions: 1. save everything that is not strictly pattern specific (like line lengths) in the .vit files 2. Allow additions to the Measurements table (or allow editing the names) - after all they are just variable names, right?

For now I will edit the .vit file and see if that works.

Comments (4)

  1. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    I should say that we have plans about changing how works measurements. See issue #181: Better measurements standard. Second tab not really for measurements, variables in second tab only act like measurements. But main purpose of this variables keep values. I give them name increments. They add some value to measurements.

      1. Allow additions to the Measurements table (or allow editing the names) - after all they are just variable names, right?* This plan i like more, but we want save "language independent measurements name" feature, so it is big change.
  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Ok, I see, you want to separate internal name and description. Maybe currently the german translation is misleading. It just says "weitere Maße" which is additional measurements. If I may suggest something for the increments: I was looking for this feature and resolved to adding the increments to the body measurements. When I draw by hand, I have a table with one column body measurements, one column increments, and a third one that contains the sum of column 1 and 2. The combined one is the one I use for drawing in most cases. Maybe I would be nice to have an additional box like "hide empty measurements" saying show only measurements with increments?

  3. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Maybe I would be nice to have an additional box like "hide empty measurements" saying show only measurements with increments?

    And we have.

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