Add field for measurement template directory in Valentina.exe, 'File', 'Preferences', 'Paths'

Issue #388 resolved
Susan Spencer created an issue

Add field for measurement template directory in Valentina.exe, 'File', 'Preferences', 'Paths'

Comments (6)

  1. Susan Spencer reporter

    Good question.

    Currently 'Open templates' opens the directory /usr/share/valentina/tables/

    Maybe this should be set to a default value of /usr/share/valentina/tables/templates, and this directory should be populated with measurement templates.

    Right now there is only /usr/share/valentina/tablesindividual and /usr/share/valentina/tables/standard.

  2. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    I think your description is incorrect. This option must be only in Tape.exe. Valentina.exe doesn't work with templates.

  3. Susan Spencer reporter

    The current preferences dialog for measurement files is in Valentina. Just add it there to keep everything together.

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