DXF *seems* not valid

Issue #443 resolved
David Arnold created an issue

Hi, I want to report an error.

I'm working with AutoCAD 2016 and it seems the generated dxf file is not valid. I obtain the following error:

Error in APPID Table
DXF read error on line 190.
Invalid or incomplete DXF input -- drawing discarded.

Line 188 - 192:

189:   0
191:   0

Is there an underlying project or library where I should report also?

Comments (11)

  1. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    dxflib supports only two DXF versions: R12 and DXF 2000/2002. We use DXF 2000/2002. You should use AutoCAD version that supports this version or import from another format, for example SVG.

    But anyway, thanks, i have found bug in current implementation.

  2. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    DXF is a bit complicated, in the versions until the one used by AutoCAD R12 the format is very relaxed and you could throw nearly everything which claims to be DXF at AutoCAD and it was accepted. For all format versions after that AutoCAD is extremely picky and often does not accept even small deviations from what it expects (and it expects a lot of redundant data which is of no interest to other programs), and usually it doesn't even give helpful error messages.

  3. David Arnold reporter

    I think, probably those are good reasons to drop that format... However it's widely used. On the other side, format war in this area is still ongoing and as far as I know not even open source approaches could provide satisfactory results.

    I think if the pre-production can be integrated into Valentina or handled by another pre production solution, then people would be happy to work with the plotting solution of their joice in one of the supported formats.

    The problem we face is that Valentina's layout option, though already very comprehensive, doesn't yet meet our preproduction requirements. (Grain line and grouping)

    That is our use case and background. Maybe it is a common one and can be addressed differently....

  4. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    The problem we face is that Valentina's layout option, though already very comprehensive, doesn't yet meet our preproduction requirements. (Grain line and grouping)

    This is not news for us.

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