Settings saved to different INI files in different folders

Issue #508 resolved
Holger Pandel created an issue

Currently, there are three INI files with the following structure under Windows:

  • %AppData%\ValentinaTeam\valentina.ini
  • %AppData%\ValentinaTeam\tape.ini
  • %AppData%\ValentinaTeam.ini

It is not really consistent to put two of them inside the "ValentinaTeam" folder and the third one up one directory.

I think, for a more consistent structure, you should initialize the QSettings object in vcommonsettings.cpp something like this (I'd prefer the second example):

QSettings settings(this->format(), this->scope(), this->organizationName(), this->organizationName()); 


QSettings settings(this->format(), this->scope(), this->organizationName(), "common"); 

This would keep all of the three files inside the %AppData%\ValentinaTeam folder, what I think is a bit better.

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