Valentina crashes when network is disabled on Linux

Issue #612 resolved
fabrice salvaire created an issue

Valentina crashes on Linux when I disable the wifi on my internet box. It is not so clear how it happens. But I reproduced two times this issue.

Comments (11)

  1. Susan Spencer

    Please take a screenshot of the error message(s) and upload them here. List your Valentina version (from Help/About). List your operating system and version. List the steps to recreate the error (Is Valentina open at the time you disable the Wifi? Did you disable the Wifi then open Valentina, then open a pattern file, then Valentina crashed? Did you disable Wifi then try to open Valentina but Valentina did not open? Tell us what happened so we can recreate the error)

  2. fabrice salvaire reporter

    I am using Valentina v5a on Linux Fedora 26.

    Steps are:

    • open valentina
    • restart/shutdown the ADSL box
    • then valentina is killed

    I ran valentina in gdb and received QObject::disconnect: Unexpected null parameter and valentina has been friezed. Unfortunately I don't have a trace.

    I suspect Valentina is connected to a network signal that provokes an issue.

  3. Susan Spencer

    I recreated the error: On Windows 10 pro I opened Valentina, disabled the ethernet adapter, and the error appeared. I clicked on the "OK" button and Valentina was fine. So I think the error message should be refined, but it didn't lockup or crash Valentina. Error_StopNetwork.PNG

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