Passmarks on Hems

Issue #668 resolved
legija created an issue

Currently, the passmarks tool works great. However, there are some minor issues.

This is a real-world case that would be great to have fixed asap-ish :)

When you make a hem using the custom seam allowance tool, and designate the corner point as a passmark, the passmark ends up in the corner of the newly created hem. This is kind of useless.

In a production/factory scenario, ideally, you'd have a notch indicating where the hem starts horizontally, and where the seam ends vertically. This way the seamstresses don't have to think, which is good :)

Attached a .val file for example and an edited picture of how ideally this could be fixed on a corner passmark.

This not only applies to the hem, but also the top neck seam on a jacket.

Maybe a new type of passmark labeled "corner passmark" could be added to fix this? This variation would add a passmark horizontally on the seam, and vertically on the hem.

Comments (10)

  1. legija reporter

    Of note: in a factory scenario, patterns do not get plotted, they get cut on a big machine. Seamstresses never get to see the pattern (apart from some optional paper templates to check crucial curves or corners (like lapel and button placement).

    With a "corner passmark" a seamstress can easily see how big the seam allowance/hem is and where the previous seam/hem ends.

  2. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Maybe a new type of passmark labeled "corner passmark" could be added to fix this?

    Good idea.

    But how will look a passmark if a seam allowance is built in? I mean a shape already contains seam allowance.

  3. legija reporter

    That's a good question. Very rarely I think do people create a hem/seam like this case without also creating some extra points and lines which then indicate where the hem/seam ends/starts. So in that case, one would already have added notches where he would want them.

    Alternatively a point can be made that a corner notch is useless if it's hiding in a corner of the seam, where it indicates nothing. It could then default back to 1cm each way on each seam, unless specified otherwise in the seam allowance dialog.

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