Choice between inches and centimeters in options

Issue #80 on hold
Former user created an issue

A user could use habing the option of choosing between inches and centimeters (or even more choices than that). By changing the options, all fields are automatically converted.

Comments (16)

  1. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    We decided don't do that. New math parser allow user write 1mm or 2in, but still it is not fix problem like we want. Nature of pattern formulas don't allow do that smoothly for user.

  2. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Choose unit carefully before creation pattern. This is situation where two standards (cm and inch) can't be converted without additional information.

    Example: height0.5+10+25.

    heights is variable and can be translated, but what about 0.5, 10, 2 and 5. Inch or cm? Only simple rule will work.

    Formula height0.5+10cm+25cm can be translated. I don't think user will like such way write formulas.

  3. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Problem is that they want full conversion and we can't give them this now.

    Even if write height0.5+10cm+25cm conversion mean rewrite each formula to height0.5+3.937in+9.8425in. And after this you will feel full advantage of conversion. In SVG you can make such because you use parametric values in objects. In our case such big changes in formula can broke formula.

    What if not make formula conversion? Ok. But after user choose inches he will begin type in inches and add for example + 5in to formula. What we have in this case? In formula we have several units at the same time. Bad idea. :(

    Parsing formula already big task, but add conversion need too much time and testing that we don't have now. But i don't say that it is not possible. :) So just not now.

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