Clone wikiunrealspeccyp / changelog
Change Log
Version (Android)
- Android TV BACK button fixed in open file & preferences
Version (Android)
- Just upgraded to latest build tools to target Android 15 (minimum supported is Android 5.0 from now)
Version (Android)
- Greek translation added (thanks to Vasilis)
Version (Android)
- RZX archive moved to
- vtrdos demos section updated (2022, 2023 years added)
- Targeting Android 13
Version (Xbox UWP)
- first Xbox release, you need to switch Xbox to dev mode (~20$) to use it
Version (Android)
- Targeting Android 12
- SD card access permission removed
- Bundle release (smaller installation size)
Version (Android)
- Android external storage access permission removed (Google requirement)
- /sdcard in files tab mapped to /sdcard/Android/data/app.usp/files. You should copy your favorite images here if you need to save changes in emulator & get them back.
Version (Android)
- .sna snapshot store fix
- fast tape emulation improved, auto stop fixed
- trying to insert disk images in A,B,C,D drives when opening .zip archive
- vtrdos press, demos sections fixed
Version (Android)
- WOS web source repaired
Version (Android)
- Android TV compatibility - calling menu by BACK button
Version (Android)
- Android TV compatibility - menu by pressing F1, BUTTON_START
Version (Android)
- VTRDOS updates section added
- WOS repaired
Version (Android)
- store cached web sources files in user data dir, not in cache dir
- opening files from other apps & mime types improved
Version (Android)
- always using Theme.DeviceDefault
- preferences refactoring (using fragments)
- android 10 storage access compatibility added
Version (Android)
- night mode support (system setting)
Version (Android)
- mime types configuration improved
- content providers supported (cached in "/cache/content/")
Version (Android)
- ask for storage permission when needed
- able to open application settings when storage permission is disabled
Version (Android)
- mime types configuration improved (zip archives)
Version (Android)
- crashfix when accessing beyond of fdd tracks
Version 0.0.87 (Windows SDL2)
- black screen fixed (hint to load libEGL.dll libGLESv2.dll is needed)
- crashfix when accessing beyond of fdd tracks
- new joysticks added (Cursor + Enter, QAOPM)
- new zoom modes added
- UDI, TD0 disk image formats support
- able to save changed disk images
- save slot option for snapshots/changed disk images
- disk images auto play improved
- MadRom replaced to Mr Gluk Reset Service
Version (Android)
- new joysticks added (Cursor + Enter, QAOPM)
- android tv banner improved (text added)
Version (Android)
- crashfix when Main activity is unloaded (permanent restart app when opening file/preferences)
Version (Android)
- android tv experimental support
Version (Android)
- able to access any externally mounted storages in files tab
- some atv friendly features
Version 0.0.86 (Android)
- files downloaded from web are stored in app cache
- cache/sd card folders in file browser (you need to give permission to access sd card)
- native styles, targeting latest android's (from 4.4 to 10)
- web sources updated, https access used
- service rom changed to Mr Gluk Reset Service
Version 0.0.83 (Linux SDL2)
- SDL2 with GLESv2 release
- MadRom replaced to Mr Gluk Reset Service
- kempston mouse emulation
- joystick (gamepad) support
- web sources support
- full screen option
- new zooming options
- black-and-white option
- GigaScreen video mode support option
- drag and drop support
- able to browse files inside zip archives
- fixed non-ASCII chars in file open dialogs
- .szx snapshots support
- more .rzx replays supported (with .szx snapshots inside)
- reset to service ROM option added
- .fdi file format support
- fixed crash when r/w beyond of disk image
- memory leaks, uninitialized vars, etc. fixed
- bugfix with opening tape files when .rzx replay working
- files sorting in open file dialog
- select last opened file
- rzx replays support
- true rom in 48k mode
- bugfix with R register emulation when interrupt occured
- bugfixes with snapshots loading
Version 0.0.82 (Android)
- UDI, TD0 disk image formats support
- able to save changed disk images
- save slot option for snapshots/changed disk images
- disk images auto play improved
Version 0.0.81 (google chrome PNaCl) - on Chrome Web Store
- VTRDOS & RZX archive web sources repaired
- new zoom modes added
Version (Windows SDL2)
- VTRDOS web source repaired
- ANGLE library more compatible (WinXP support)
- drag and drop support
Version (Android)
- VTRDOS web source repaired
Version 0.0.80 (macOS SDL2)
- SDL2 with GLESv2 (ANGLE) release
- kempston mouse emulation
- joystick (gamepad) support
- web sources support
- full screen option
- new zooming options
- black-and-white option
- GigaScreen video mode support option
- drag and drop support
Version (Windows SDL2)
- VTRDOS web source repaired
Version 0.0.79 (Android)
- RZX archive web source repaired
Version (Windows SDL2)
- SDL2 with GLESv2 (ANGLE) release
- kempston mouse emulation
- joystick (gamepad) support
- web sources support
- full screen option
- new zooming options
- black-and-white option
- GigaScreen video mode support option
- RZX archive web source repaired
Version (Emscripten/Javascript)
- new zooming options added (stretch, 2x-6x)
Version (Emscripten/Javascript)
- Module.onReady() callback called when emulator is fully initialized and ready to open file
- call Module._ExitLoop() to close emulator
- fullscreen improvements (canvas correctly resized to whole screen, not stretched by browser)
- audio buffer size increased to 1024 samples
- video window default size is 852x480
- zoom mode is set to "fill screen" by default
Version 0.0.77 (Emscripten/Javascript)
- Based on SDL2 + GLESv2 platforms
Version 0.0.76 (google chrome PNaCl) - on Chrome Web Store
- Black-and-white option
- GigaScreen video mode support option
Version 0.0.75 (Android)
- GigaScreen video mode support option
Version (Android)
- bugfix with EGL initialization on some devices
Version 0.0.74 (Android)
- GLESv2 rendering
- Black-and-white option
- Ukrainian language added
Version 0.0.73 (Android)
- bugfix with slow emulation on some modern devices like Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 (do not use old 16 bit texture format)
Version 0.0.72 (Dingoo A320)
- able to browse files inside zip archives
- fixed non-ASCII chars in file open dialogs
- .szx snapshots support
- more .rzx replays supported (with .szx snapshots inside)
- Reset to service ROM option added
- .fdi file format support
- fixed crash when r/w beyond of disk image
- memory leaks, uninitialized vars, etc. fixed
- bugfix with opening tape files when .rzx replay working
- files sorting in open file dialog
- select last opened file
- rzx replays support
- true rom in 48k mode
- bugfix with R register emulation when interrupt occured
- bugfixes with snapshots loading
Version 0.0.71 (google chrome PNaCl) - on Chrome Web Store
- press section fixed
- demos section works with
- PNaCL used instead of NaCL
Version 0.0.70 (Android)
- web source integrated instead of ZXAAA
Version (Raspberry Pi Jessie)
- web source added
- press section from vtrdos web source added
Version 0.0.69 (Raspberry Pi Jessie)
- web sources support (vtrdos, rzxarchive)
- settings & files from web placed in ~/.usp folder
Version (Android)
- pause while in menu 2nd edition
- ZXAAA web source removed
Version 0.0.68 (Android)
- Android 4.4+ support with immersive full screen mode (use swipe to show app bars & menu)
Version 0.0.67 (google chrome NaCl) - on Chrome Web Store
- RZX Archive fixed
Version (Android)
- bugfix with menu by long press BACK button on some devices like Samsung Galaxy Note 5 (thanks to Olga Pershina)
Version (Android)
- removed pause while menu is opened (buggy on some devices, pause is not released after menu is closed)
- vtrdos mirror changed to
Version (Android)
- fixed memory leak when opening files from zip's
- new icons
Version (Android)
- fixed bug with pause while in menu & device orientation changed
Version 0.0.66 (Android)
- fixed menu appearance on NVidia Shield (press
on gamepad) - emulation paused while menu is opened
Version 0.0.65 (Android)
- fast-forward button (in top-right corner of the screen)
- progress bar with time when watching RZX replays
- bugfix with huge memory allocation on devices with HD screens
Version 0.0.64 (Raspberry Pi)
- gamepad support
- able to specify file name to open in command line
- able to browse files inside zip archives
- fixed non-ASCII chars in file open dialogs
- .szx snapshots support
- more .rzx replays supported (with .szx snapshots inside)
- reset to service ROM option added
- .fdi file format support
- fixed crash when r/w beyond of disk image
- memory leaks, uninitialized vars, etc. fixed
- bugfix with opening tape files when .rzx replay working
Version 0.0.63 (Android)
- able to browse files inside zip archives
Version 0.0.62 (Sony PSP)
- fixed bug with creating directories when saving snapshots for files from zip archives
Version 0.0.61 (Sony PSP)
- able to browse files inside zip archives
- fixed non-ASCII chars in file open dialogs
- .szx snapshots support
- more .rzx replays supported (with .szx snapshots inside)
- Reset to service ROM option added
- .fdi file format support
- fixed crash when r/w beyond of disk image
- memory leaks, uninitialized vars, etc. fixed
- bugfix with opening tape files when .rzx replay working
- files sorting in open file dialog
- select last opened file
- rzx replays support
- true rom in 48k mode
- bugfix with R register emulation when interrupt occured
- bugfixes with snapshots loading
Version (Android)
- RZX archive source repaired
Version 0.0.60 (Android)
- 64 bit architectures support (x86, arm, mips)
- WOS source repaired
- VTRDOS press & demos improved
Version 0.0.59 (google chrome NaCl) - on Chrome Web Store
- RZX Archive fixed
Version 0.0.58 (Android)
- spanish localization added (thanks to HernĂ¡n)
- fixed RZX archive web source
- fixed unicode characters unescaping when parsing RZX source
Version 0.0.57 (Windows)
- all latest features included
- window size/position stored
- AY/YM option
- sound chip stereo option
- zoom/filtering option
Version (OSX)
- new shortcuts special for Mac's
- installation size reduced
Version 0.0.56 (OSX)
- wxWidgets 3.0.0 used
- all latest features included
- window size/position stored
- AY/YM option
- sound chip stereo option
- zoom/filtering option
Version 0.0.55 (android)
- russian localization added
- .szx snapshots support
- more .rzx replays supported (with .szx snapshots inside)
- bugfix with encoding conversion when getting url's from VTRDOS/games
Version 0.0.54 (google chrome NaCl) - on Chrome Web Store
- RZX Archive support
- games & demos sections updated in VTRDos
Version 0.0.53 (iOS)
- used custom ui
- GLESv2 video acceleration
- OpenAL audio
Version 0.0.52 (symbian s60v3)
- .fdi file format support
- rzx replays support
- auto play files option
- reset to service rom option
- true rom in 48k mode
- memory leaks, uninitialized vars, etc. fixed
- fixed crash when r/w beyond of disk image
- bugfixes with snapshots loading You need to install Open C++ plugin (read Readme Symbian for more info)
Version 0.0.51 (android)
- VTRDOS source updated (games & demos sections)
- Reset to service ROM option added
Version 0.0.50 (windows)
- .fdi file format support
- .rzx replays support
- gamepad support
- auto play files option
- reset to service rom option
- mouse sensivity improved
- true rom in 48k mode
- memory leaks, uninitialized vars, etc. fixed
- fixed crash when r/w beyond of disk image
Version 0.0.49 (google chrome NaCl) - on Chrome Web Store
- mouse sensitivity improved
- experimental joystick (gamepad) support (look at Readme Chrome for more info)
Version 0.0.48 (android)
- authentic rubber keyboard view
- bugfix with ugly pixels on the view edges
Version 0.0.47 (google chrome NaCl) - on Chrome Web Store
- arm chromebooks support added
- mouse locking improved
- zoom modes option
- filtering option
- new GLESv2 shader
Version 0.0.46 (android)
- display progress bars on long time operations with web
- cancelable file selector operations (get items/apply)
- skip frames option implemented in GLESv1 view
- correct "mono" volume in AY/YM to match other volumes
- fixed crash when r/w beyond of disk image
- download file to ".tmp" first
- memory leaks, uninitialized vars, etc. fixed
Version 0.0.45 (android)
- bugfix with opening tape files when .rzx replay working
- fixed crash while downloading file from web & display orientation change
- bugfix: use hq keyboard & joystick on big screens or hdpi
- android 2.1 compatibility (fix with latest NDK)
Version 0.0.44 (android)
- added huge demos database
Version 0.0.43 (Raspberry Pi)
- files sorting in open file dialog
- select last opened file
- new keys binded:
- F12 - reset
- F7 - pause
- F2 - quick save
- F3 - quick load
- F5 - start/stop tape
Version 0.0.42 (Raspberry Pi)
- native GLES v2 render with indexed textures & uber-shader ;)
- SDL for keyboard input & sound
Version 0.0.41 (android)
- rzx replays support
- browser
- true rom in 48k mode
- bugfix with R register emulation when interrupt occured
- bugfixes with snapshots loading
Version 0.0.40 (Dingoo A320)
- perfect vsync, including ILI9338
- menu & list cycling
- fixed some bugs with sound
Version 0.0.38 (Sony PSP)
- PSP native platform support
Version - (google chrome NaCl) - on Chrome Web Store
- android-style browser added
- bugfix with crash when leaving fullscreen (waiting for chrome devs to fix mouse lock)
- manifest migrated to version 2
Version (android) - on Google Play
- demos section browser improved
Version 0.0.36 (android)
- sound lag minimized
- video filtering option added
- sync by timer option added (smoother playback on devices with huge min. sound buffers)
- A, B, X, Y keys binded (JXD s5110 support)
- bugfix with cursor joystick (CAPS releasing when > 1 key pressed)
Version 0.0.35 (android)
- auto play files option
- MIPS architecture support
- fast scroller added in file selector lists
- bugfix with sound buffer overrun
Version - (Google chrome NaCl)
- bugfix with invalid glEnable call
- correct cleanup on instance destroying
- full screen mode
- mouse emulation in full screen mode
- google chrome native client first launch
Version 0.0.32 (android)
- controls in landscape mode
- .fdi file format support
- x86 platform support
- bugfix with multitouch (using joystick in hardcore games)
- hw keys processing improved
Version 0.0.31 (android)
- motion events processing fixed (crash on tablets)
Version 0.0.30 (symbian s60v3)
- 'no border' mode (some kind of zoom)
- skip frames '1' mode added
- keyboard events processing improved
Version 0.0.29 (android)
- OpenGL ES rendering (hardware scaling)
- new zooming options (none, fill screen, small border, no border)
- tablets support (large screens)
- skip frames & filtering options removed
Version 0.0.28 (android)
- sound mixer added
Version 0.0.27 (android)
- & browsers
- bugfix with trimmed .trd's opening
Version 0.0.26 (symbian)
- Qt framework used (see Readme Symbian how to install it)
- touch screens support added
- S60v5 (9.4), Symbian^1, Symbian^3 support (tested on N97, 5800 Express Music)
Version 0.0.24, 0.0.25 (android)
- onscreen full 40 keys zx-keyboard added
- keyboard/joystick toggle by 'back' key
- multi-touch support
- joystick sensor (accelerometer) control
- bugfix with hdpi screens
Version 0.0.23 (android)
- zooming & filtering options added
- quit kills process
- skip frame option
- .apk size reduced
Version 0.0.22 (android)
- ad banners removed
- compiled with most optimizations flags (-O3)
- armeabi-v7a architecture support added (need to test)
Version 0.0.21 (android)
- bugfix with sorting in file open dialog
- file sorting improved and in file selector dialog
- select last file when file open dialog appears
- display only supported file types in file open dialog
- able to start/stop tape from preferences
- tape traps added
- fast tape option added
- bugfix with audio buffer overrun when fast tape used
- move to sd card feature added (android 2.2 and higher)
Version 0.0.20 (android)
- native menu/preferences/open file dialog added
- full screen mode (320x240 devices in landscape mode support)
- stop render thread when app not active (battery save)
- prevent phone from locking when emulator active
- auto start tape when file opened
Version 0.0.19
- android platform launch
Version 0.0.18
- screen flip/rotate option for any lcd controller (dingoo)
- tv out support (dingoo)
- file associations - .sim version (dingoo)
- able to open files from SD card (dingoo)
- ay stereo mode switch option
- font/roms inside .app/.sim (dingoo)
- quick save/load snapshot (dingoo & symbian)
- bugfix: option "drive" not works
Version 0.0.14 - 0.0.17
- full screen mode
- 300% window size option
- correct aspect ratio
- filtering when window size not multiple of original
- .png screenshots
- new command line options
Version 0.0.13
- symbian platform launch
- config file support (load/store)
- open files from .zip archives
- 48k option
- screen & joystick rotate option (symbian)
- bugfix with emulator startup code (now start much faster on symbian & dingoo)
Version 0.0.9 - 0.0.12
- added "true speed" option (50 Hz, jerky conversion to 60 Hz monitor, but sound looks better)
- snapshots (.sna) storing (F2 key)
- added file associations (Win/Linux)
- added pause/resume function
- added icon
- added command line options
- added about box
- bugfix with snapshots loading, .z80 format support
Version 0.0.8
- dingoo lcd ILI9325 support added
Version 0.0.7
- dingoo version launch (ILI9331 lcd controller)
Version 0.0.4 - 0.0.6
- mac (i386) version launch
- linux (debian/ubuntu) i386 & amd64 versions tested
- bugfix with beeper sound (Last Nynja 2)
- mouse capturing improved
Version 0.0.1 - 0.0.3
- first windows/linux launches