Player ID not sent to client on connect

Issue #22 resolved
Andrew Peterson repo owner created an issue

Server shows player IDs correctly being allocated on the server:

INFO   Loaded Player: "admin"
INFO   Creating Admin account, ID: 1234
INFO   Loaded Player: "djkool"
INFO   Creating Player account, ID: 1235
INFO   Loaded Player: "tester1"
INFO   Creating Player account, ID: 1236
INFO   Loaded 3 Accounts

But client always receives Player ID of 0 in the ClientInit message:

INFO   ClientInit Received with Player ID 0
INFO   Server Step: 10.000000
INFO   View Position: <4600, -600>
INFO   Server time step set to 10.000000 seconds
INFO   Universe contains 11 Suns, 30 Planets, 238 Asteroids, 0 Unknowns

Comments (1)

  1. Andrew Peterson reporter

    setClientInit now shows the correct Player ID

    Server was correctly sending the Player ID, but the setClientInit on the client was displaying the wrong value.

    [Fixes Issue #22]

    → <<cset ed7269730728>>

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