Category Doesn't Format Correctly

Issue #59 closed
Daniel Marsh-Patrick repo owner created an issue

Reported on #58, but creating a separate issue to track the work. This looks like a change in the 2.1 custom visuals API, so we just need to add some handling for date types and respect their formatting in the data model.

I've investigated further and it looks like we lost the category formatting in general somewhere during the refactoring work after the initial prototype. We'll need to fix that up too.

Comments (5)

  1. Daniel Marsh-Patrick reporter

    From analysis, we actually have the code to do this, but it's not firing correctly. At this point, we've stored the category name in the view model as a string, so when we apply the valueFormatter call against it, it treats it as such and doesn't actually apply the format string.

    We need to do a metadata check against the category, and cast the name back to the correct data type to format it as intended. This in itself is not too difficult, but I can see that the legend is also affected by this issue and this processing is not done until after the legend is instantiated. The legend will affect the axis (display) text based on placement, so we'll need to make a few changes further up to get this right.

  2. Daniel Marsh-Patrick reporter

    #59: Fixed formatting of category name to cast to the correct type first, as it was being ignored (treating everything as string) #59: Modified assignment of category formatted name so that it can be used by the legend Resolves #59

    → <<cset a5e79d838e94>>

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