Re-Investigate Data Limit Options

Issue #75 resolved
Daniel Marsh-Patrick repo owner created an issue

We coded this in previously, but there were some breaking changes in the 2.1 API that prevented us from going live with it. This seems to be resolved in 2.3, so we can add back in. I've done a smoke test with 1M rows and while slow, it works pretty well.

Additional things to do:

  • Add an indicator that rows are capped by default if we hit the limit, as the framework assumes we're always going to load as much data as we can and doesn't display the inbuilt warning. This should direct the user to the Data Limit options.
  • Review the instructions and improve formatting and spell-checking

Official response

  • Daniel Marsh-Patrick reporter

    I've essentially got this working, but I have two issues currently:

    • This works great in the service for the developer and packaged visuals but I cannot get this to work in Desktop and will require some correspondence with the visuals team to see if we can get it working.
    • The memory safeguarding the function claims to have does not appear to kick in and I can keep loading rows until my browser craps out, so I need to follow-up this particular design pattern too.

    I have made some code changes and will leave them in, but will turn off the functionality (again) for now. Hopefully we'll get there in a future version!

Comments (9)

  1. Daniel Marsh-Patrick reporter

    I've essentially got this working, but I have two issues currently:

    • This works great in the service for the developer and packaged visuals but I cannot get this to work in Desktop and will require some correspondence with the visuals team to see if we can get it working.
    • The memory safeguarding the function claims to have does not appear to kick in and I can keep loading rows until my browser craps out, so I need to follow-up this particular design pattern too.

    I have made some code changes and will leave them in, but will turn off the functionality (again) for now. Hopefully we'll get there in a future version!

  2. Antoine URRU


    I try the Violinplot which is great but it truncates my data to 30k points.
    The warning message on the visual is : ‘Too many values, not showing all data’.

    I am using Power BI desktop March 2020 and latest Violin plot from the appsource microsoft (1.3)

    Thank you,


  3. Daniel Marsh-Patrick reporter

    Hi there and thanks for using the visual 🙂

    The maximum number of points is 30K, I can’t currently support more than that due to limitations with the custom visuals SDK. I may revisit if this ever gets lifted, or the APIs provided by MS become stable enough (but we haven’t had any changes to the SDK in nearly a year now…)

  4. Antoine URRU

    Hi, thank you for your quick reply !
    Is this limitation also effective in Power BI Service or when publishing to Power BI service it will work ?

    Thank you.

  5. Daniel Marsh-Patrick reporter

    The limitation is the same for custom visuals across all Power BI services (Desktop, Service, Mobile)

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