Uncaught exception thrown by REST service: null

Issue #24 resolved
Tim Klicks created an issue

Hej Dmitrii,

It is me again. We are using the plugin for about 2 weeks now and it works perfectly. We have already added different repositories and repository groups and all of them are working without any issues.

However, today we wanted to add yet another repository group and got an error 500 when testing the connection or trying to reindex this repo group.

When checking the Jira logfiles, we are seeing the error found in the attached file. As this error only occurs with this repo group (until now, maybe it reoccurs when we add some other long named repos), we are thinking about something like a string which is getting to long or anything else like that.

Hope you can bring some light into our darkness ;-)

Best Regards, Tim.

Comments (8)

  1. Dmitrii Apanasevich repo owner

    Hi Tim,

    The problem is that one the the repositories inside a new group has no default branch. Or GitLab API returns no default branch for one of the repos.

    Could you check default branches for every repo of a group? Hope, there are few of them.

    I'll think about how to support this case. Something like displaying a warning like "Repo 'my_fav_proj' has no default branch".

  2. Tim Klicks reporter

    Hej Dmitrii,

    Thanks for the swift response and for working on this issue. I have passed the ball on to the Repo-Group owner so that he checks and fixes it on his side.

    I will keep you updated.

    Best Regards, Tim.

  3. Tim Klicks reporter

    Hej Dmitrii,

    Our Repo-Group owner has done his work and we were able to add this Repo-Group now as well. So it was a Layer-8 problem in the end.

    But as you have written, a nicer warning message would be great.

    Best Regards, Tim.

  4. Dmitrii Apanasevich repo owner

    Ok. I'll support the warning.

    How about a review? :) I asked for one in the previous issue, but you ignored. I think, it would be a fair price )))

  5. Tim Klicks reporter

    Hej Dmitrii,

    I did not want to ignore it - I just forgot about it. Shame on me.

    Of course I will write/give a review.

    Best Regards, Tim.

  6. Dmitrii Apanasevich repo owner

    Resolves #24: Uncaught exception thrown by REST service: null

    Adds ignorance of repositories inside a group if default branch or full name of a repo is empty.

    → <<cset f3a79a979516>>

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