Tethering not working?

Issue #27 resolved
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Comments (26)

  1. Дмитрий Олареско repo owner

    Tested on my phone: USB and Wi-Fi hotspot works. PC can be connected to it. Got some IP address but no internet. But for my mobile provider it is Ok because it provide bad quality of GPRS and I need to wait 15-20 minutes to get some internet =(

  2. Дмитрий Олареско repo owner

    can you be more specific? does not starts, does not connects... what kind of tethering?

  3. gabihdg

    Sorry, Wi-Fi tethering, I want to share my internet (APN), after I turn on Wi-Fi tethering, I receive a notification about the service is active and then it turns off. Now I tried to make a hotspot and it work's but after I viewed my advanced settings after I turn on it turns himself off immediately after I receive the notification about active service. Hope to understand, sorry my bad english.

  4. Дмитрий Олареско repo owner

    Understand but cannot reproduce. Tried on clean v6 and already configured for me. Wi-Fi tethering works. Can you try it on clean install without any data restore?

  5. gabihdg

    Yes, I made a clean install, wipe every thing and the first thing after the system boot was to try wifi tethering, no success, same problem. I'm back to V5.

  6. Дмитрий Олареско repo owner

    Strange, but still cannot reproduce. Tried different variants but no luck: it still works!

    Lets wait for Dario research: maybe he found something.

  7. dick2x

    I have a solution with this. You should configure the the wpa to open then go back to wpa. Tried and tested by me.. At first it I also have a problem with tehering. But I repair it now. sorry for my english. :D

  8. alemonte

    Same here...after I enable the wifi tethering, the phone disables it automatically after about 5 seconds....already altered the SSID, the type of security....nothing worked...

  9. AlaNk Wijaya

    Maybe you can flash CrossBreeder_6.23.13_v2-Badass.zip to fix the problem of thetering wifi. I already flash it in my phone and my phone thetering now work fine. If you want it maybe you can search in google to download it..

  10. Дмитрий Олареско repo owner

    I`m already investigating this problem and got wi-fi tethering working. Now I need to narrow file list that I have changed to find out what is missing.

  11. Дмитрий Олареско repo owner

    All fixes should be checked on clean installation without any data or apps restore.

  12. acenk_thendy

    Tether working after flashable fix, but no internet connection, try input obtained ip with google DNS (on my laptop/Win7 ), its work for me

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