Message app landscape bug?

Issue #30 duplicate
dick2x created an issue

Please repair this one master. when it is landscape on messaging.

and also the hotspot wont work.

Comments (8)

  1. Дмитрий Олареско repo owner

    It`s not a problem with message but feature called split view.

    You can drug separator to see more message text.

    And you can simply disable split view via Messaging app settings :-)

    P.S. Please, give more readable names for the issues. it should contain some information about bug or feature

  2. Дмитрий Олареско repo owner

    And still cannot reproduce any bug with hotspot :-(

    This shit works for me all the time! with any kind of settings and configurations oO

  3. Lim Yu Yang

    @dolaresko , I got it. I can drag it and see the messages. BTW, the hotspot works for me too. Thank you.

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