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  • JSON has to be installed on the FHEM host.
  • The "developer mode" must be active in the bulb. It can be switched on in the bulb settings inside the Yeelight App.
  • The module will communicate locally with the device. This means it is not needed - and you surely don't want - to grant the bulb internet access in your router.
  • LightScene integration:
    The bulb can operate in color RGB/HSV mode or in white color temperature mode. This is indicated by the color_mode reading. If you want to save a scene depending on the color_mode, you can use the lightSceneParamsToSave LightScene attribute at the device.


    define floor_lamp Yeelight

    attr floor_lamp lightSceneParamsToSave {(ReadingsVal($DEVICE, "color_mode", "rgb") eq "ct") ? "ct" : "rgb"}


define <name> Yeelight <ip or hostname>

define floor_lamp Yeelight

define kitchen_lamp Yeelight yee-kitchen_lamp


  • state
    the on/off state of the bulb.
  • bright
    the current bightness level of the bulb.
  • color_mode
    the mode the bulb currently operates in. Only for information. The possible values are:
    • hsv the bulb operates in HSV mode.
    • rbg the bulb operates in RGB mode.
    • ct the bulb operates in color temperature (white) mode.
  • ct
    the recent set color temperature. Also available if not in color_mode ct.
  • delayoff
    the set delayed off timer. Only for information.
  • flow_params
    the set automatic color flow parameters. Only for information.
  • flowing
    1, if an automatic color flow is active, 0 otherwise. Only for information.
  • hue
    the recent set hue value. Also available if not in color_mode hsv.
  • sat
    the recent set saturation value. Also available if not in color_mode hsv.
  • music_on
    1, if the bulb operates in music mode, 0 otherwise. Only for information.
  • name
    the internal name of the bulb. Only for information.
  • rgb
    the recent set RBG value. Also available if not in color_mode rgb.


Almost every set command supports an optional fade parameter. This will instruct the bulb to do a fade to the target value instead of a sudden change. The parameter has to be given in milliseconds. If the value is less than 30, it will be interpreted as 0 because 30 ms is the lower limit the Yeelight can fade.

A default fade time used in all commands can be set as attribute.

  • on [<fade>]
    switch the bulb on and optionally fade to on for <fade> milliseconds.


    set floor_lamp on

    set floor_lamp on 1000

  • off [<fade>]
    switch the bulb off and optionally fade to off for <fade> milliseconds.


    set floor_lamp off

    set floor_lamp off 1000

  • bright <value> [<fade>]
    sets the brightness of the bulb to value and optionally fade to it for <fade> milliseconds.
    value has to be in range (1, 100). NOTE: The command is only effective if the bulb is on.


    set floor_lamp bright 70

    set floor_lamp bright 10 500

  • ct <value> [<fade>]
    sets the color temperature [K] of the bulb to value and optionally fade to it for <fade> milliseconds.
    value has to be in range (1700, 6500). This will set the bulb into color_mode ct. NOTE: The command is only effective if the bulb is on.


    set floor_lamp ct 5000

    set floor_lamp ct 5000 500

  • hue <value>
    sets the HSV hue component of the bulb to value
    value has to be in range (0, 359). This will set the bulb into color_mode hsv. NOTE: The command will switch on the device.


    set floor_lamp hue 100

  • sat <value>
    sets the HSV saturation component of the bulb to value.
    value has to be in range (0, 100). This will set the bulb into color_mode hsv. NOTE: The command will switch on the device.


    set floor_lamp sat 100

  • rgb <hex value> [<fade>]
    sets the bulb color to the RGB value and optionally fade to it for <fade> milliseconds.
    value has to be hexadecimal in range (000000, FFFFFF). This will set the bulb into color_mode rgb. NOTE: The command is only effective if the bulb is on.


    set floor_lamp rgb AA02F2

    set floor_lamp rgb FFFFFF 500

  • color <RGB value>,<brightness>
    sets the bulb color to the RGB value and the bightness <brightness>.
    RGB value has to be hexadecimal in range (000000, FFFFFF), brightness has to be a value in the range of (1, 100). This will set the bulb into color_mode rgb. NOTE: The command will switch on the device.


    set floor_lamp color AA02F2,30

  • hsv <hue>,<saturation>,<value>
    sets the bulb color to the HSV value.
    hue has to be value in range (0, 359), saturation has to be a value in the range of (0, 100), value has to be a value in the range of (1, 100). This will set the bulb into color_mode hsv. NOTE: The command will switch on the device.


    set floor_lamp hsv 120,30,50

  • toggle
    toggles the on, off state of the bulb.


    set floor_lamp toggle

  • connect
    reconnects to the bulb. This will refresh all readings.


    set floor_lamp connect

  • disconnect
    disconnects from the bulb.


    set floor_lamp disconnect


  • hsv
    get the bulb's current HSV value in the format hue,sat,value


    get floor_lamp hsv


  • defaultFade <value>
    sets a default fade value in milliseconds that will always be used in any Set command that supports a fade. This value can be overridden by passing a fade value as parameter to the individual Set command.
    value has to be a numeric value. Values less than 30 will be interpreted as 0 because the Yeelight's lower limit is 30.
  • disable
    1 -> disconnect from the bulb
