Booster con Te=0°C in MT

Issue #257 resolved
Lorenzo Fanetti created an issue

Il calcolo con questo input non funziona...non ne capisco il motivo.

Comments (3)

  1. Andrea Agili

    il problema viene dalla DLL, questo l'errore dal log

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\git\dorin-software\src\dorin\ui\", line 585, in questionDLL
        self.output = RefrigeratingSystemOutput(self.input.toDLL(), self.input)
      File "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\git\dorin-software\src\dorin\ui\", line 2804, in toDLL
        raise Exception((t("SYSDLL_ERR") + "\n%s" % e).encode('utf-8'))
    Exception: SYSDLL_ERR
    Index was outside the bounds of the array.
       at RefBoxVCSEngineDll.Refpint_Modulo.Refpint_PT(Int32 idfluido, Double pressione, Double tempt, Input_Ref InputRefrigerante)
       at RefBoxVCSEngineDll.Refpint_Modulo.Refpint(Int32 idfluido, String PropDef, Double Prop1, Double Prop2, Input_Ref InputRefrigerante)
       at RefBoxVCSEngineDll.Refrigerante.InterpolaFluido_Trugiada()
       at RefBoxVCSEngineDll.ThermodynamicCycle.Cycle_Calcola_Circuito_Frigorifero(Boolean MT_ck, Circuito_Termodinamico& circuito, Boolean pdc_ck, Boolean booster_ck, Int32 BoosterConfig, Boolean twostage_ck, Int32 TwostageConfig, String Refrigerant, Double Load, Int32 LTtoMTmode, Double LTtoMTDemand, Double LTboosterInletEnthalpy, String RegimeDeflusso, Double Tcond, Double pgc, Double poft, Double Tevap, Int32 dTsurTout_Ev_mode, Double dTsurTout_Ev, Int32 dTsotTliq_mode, Double dTsotTliq, Double Economizzatore_dtv, Int32 dTsurTout_SucLine_mode, Double dTsurTout_SucLine, Double Rigenerativo_dtv, Double RecuperatoreParziale_Tout, Double RecuperatoreTotale_Tout, Double Ejtr_of_dT, Double mass_flow_precompression_ratio, Boolean Intercooler_ck, Double Tout_intercooler_2s, Boolean CmpInv_ck, Double frequencyInverter, Double AC_Demand, Double Tsat_aspirazione_LT_booster_LT)
       at RefBoxVCSEngineDll.Dorin.Dorin_Sim(String DorinInput)
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