
Clone wiki

ephemeral-hipchat-rooms / Privacy Statement

The Ephemeral Rooms addon doesn't do anything fishy with your data. Below is a list of the scopes required by the addon along with an explanation of why it needs each scope.


This scope is required to create and delete rooms. Ephemeral Rooms does both of these things: when it receives the /quickchat command it creates a room; and when all participants leave a room it deletes the room.


This scopes is required to query for information about a room, including how many participants are in it. Ephemeral Rooms listens for a webhook whenever someone leaves a room; if it's an ephemeral room (one created by the addon), it needs to check to make sure no one is in the room before deleting it.


Ephemeral Rooms creates a private room when the /quickchat command is invoked; it needs the admin_room scope to grant users access to this room.


To invite all @-mentioned users into a room, Ephemeral Rooms posts a notification into the room inviting said users after it's been created. This requires the send_notification scope.
