Unimplemented OWL-API reasoner methods appear to be supported in the backend

Issue #13 resolved
Dmitry Tsarkov repo owner created an issue

Original [issue 13](https://code.google.com/p/factplusplus/issues/detail?id=13) created by dtsarkov on 2008-09-16T15:15:18.000Z:

Some of the methods on the OWL-API Reasoner implementation that throw UnsupportedReasonerOperationException seems to actually be supported by the backend reasoner. For instance, issue # 2 shows that getting a list of role fillers is supported now, so it should be possible to implement getRelatedIndividuals.

Below I have listed the methods that seem like they could be supported with only the addition of some glue code.

It would be really nice to have support for these methods. Also going through and checking for other methods that can now be supported, but are not yet implemented would be good too.

These are the methods I'm pretty sure should be easily supportable: getObjectPropertyRelationships(OWLIndividual individual) getRelatedIndividuals(OWLIndividual subject, OWLObjectPropertyExpression property) hasObjectPropertyRelationship(OWLIndividual subject, OWLObjectPropertyExpression property, OWLIndividual object)


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