Feature Request: Support for Jena Reasoning API

Issue #3 wontfix
Dmitry Tsarkov repo owner created an issue

Original issue 3 created by dtsarkov on 2007-07-11T11:53:04.000Z:

Are there any plans to provide a Jena compliant reasoning API (similar to the Java OWL-API already provided resp. like Pellet does)? That would be incredibly useful.

Cheers, Herwig

Comments (7)

  1. Dmitry Tsarkov reporter

    Comment [#1](https://code.google.com/p/factplusplus/issues/detail?id=3#c1) originally posted by dtsarkov on 2007-10-01T09:40:28.000Z:

    Our team has developed an Inference API, which is based on Jena and Pellet. Now we found out that Pellet cannot handle our ontology, because it is too big for it. The Fact++ reasoner, however, handles with it without any problem and extremely fast(I was waiting for pellet to create an inference model for 5 hours on a 3GHz server with 2 GB RAM ... and it could not finish within this time ... Fact++ made the reasoning for 30 seconds !!!!! Congratulations for that!!! ). My problem is that I will probably have to rewrite the API because Fact++ cannot work with Jena! So I'm joining the previous post ... will you make Jena support for Fact++?

  2. Dmitry Tsarkov reporter

    Comment #6 originally posted by dtsarkov on 2015-04-08T16:35:45.000Z:

    Jena uses triple-base OWL model, which is very different from the axiom-based model, which is used by FaCT++. Implementing Jena Reasoning API will require significant amount of effort and resources, which I do not have at the moment. I'll leave the issue open in case someone would like to pick this up but I am not planning to work on it at the moment.

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