Moodle 4.0 "Mark as done" button not responding.

Issue #128 resolved
Josh Willcock created an issue

Upgrading our platform to Moodle 4.0.2 today tiles version 2022070200 and found the ‘mark as done’ button does nothing when clicked using the tiles theme. However, if I change the course layout to Topics it ticks off correctly.

When clicked:
Request: URL:,format_tiles_get_single_section_page_html

Response 200 but does not actually mark as done.

Comments (6)

  1. Gemma

    Adding to this:

    1. When selected ‘show activity as complete when conditions are met’ it does work.
    2. It also works when you visit the mod/xx/view.php? and press the done button.

    So the only place it does not work is the /course/view.php?id= page.

  2. Gemma

    I am not able to reproduce this issue om my Moodle 4.0.4 site with the new Tiles version Beta | 2022091700

    But on a different Moodle (same version of Moodle + Tiles) but a different server. I can still replicate this issue when I turn on “Use JavaScript navigation from Tiles main page” in the courseformat settings tab “JavaScript Navigation”. When I turn this setting off, it works as it should. Turn it on - the button does not work.

    It also does not work on other courseformats like the Moodle standard Topic Format.

    I kind of in the dark here, if this is now a server issue ór a courseformat issue.

    I kind of hope @David Watson you can share some wisdom over this ?

  3. Gemma

    We have been investing this issue further and noticed in Beta version with the Use JavaScript navigation from Tiles main page. When editing is off course.js L:724 calls the ‘format_tiles_get_single_section_page_html’ , but the call seems to be 'blocked'.

    I think this might be same as reported in and would be solved by -

    @David Watson woudl be great if you could confirm if this is indeed the solution?

  4. Björn Büch

    I have the same problem. The “mark as done” button does nothing when the acitivities/ressources are displayed as a list. But it does work when they are displayed as subtiles. But I don’t want that.

  5. David Watson repo owner

    Thanks for the report. Please would you retest with the latest version and let me know if still a problem, as some work was done in this in the last release

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