When using course modules without view page and loading sections via JS, Javascript code is not executed

Issue #123 resolved
Stefan Hanauska created an issue

This issue is similiar to https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-75540

If you use a course module that does not have a view page (e.g. mod_unilabel) and that does require Javascript code to run properly, this code is not executed when loading sections via Javascript.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create an instance of mod_unilabel with type "Grid" with some content that does open in a modal.
  2. Click on a tile of the grid. The modal will open behind the backdrop, course is unusable now until page reload.

Comments (6)

  1. David Watson repo owner

    Thanks for the report. Please would you retest with the latest version and let me know if still a problem, as some work was done in this in the last release

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