Tiles format - The item's menu is displayed incorrectly in RTL mode

Issue #157 closed
Acqua Alta created an issue

Moodle version: 4.1.3
Tiles format plugin version: (2023030500)

While the system UI is in Hebrew (Right-to-left language), in editing mode, the item's menu is opening to the wrong side.

We replicated this bug also on the default Boost theme.

Could you please fix this issue?

Thanks :-)

Comments (4)

  1. Acqua Alta reporter

    We think that the following CSS code (that we added locally to our theme), fixed the issue:

    .dir-rtl .dropdown-menu.menu.dropdown-menu-right.show {
    position: absolute;
    -webkit-transform: translate3d(-27px, 37px, 0px) !important;
    transform: translate3d(-27px, 37px, 0px) !important;

  2. David Watson repo owner

    Thanks for the report Acqua. This was fixed today for 4.3 under issue #184 and I plan to roll out the same fix to 4.1/4.2 in coming weeks

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