4.3 Beta issue with duplicated section 0 content on the top of individual weeks.

Issue #192 resolved
Mike Wilday created an issue

We have content that is set up in week 0 and are seeing duplicated section 0 content when we navigate into another week. Here is a video representing what we are seeing.


And here is a screenshot of the HTML when inspected.

Looks like the section 0 cm list line is creating a duplicate of what’s already in section 0.

Comments (5)

  1. David Watson repo owner

    Thanks for the report. I will take a look at that.

    In the meantime I notice a couple of other things:

    • it looks like you do not have cron running so are getting the amber migration warning at the top indicating that tile icons and photos have not been migrated. I assume that’s because it’s a test environmen
    • your tiles are white and I wonder if you are not loading the styles_extra.php style sheet which is new in this release. If you look on your network tab, is that resource loading? If you look at the response when styles_extra.php tries to load, is there an error there? Thanks

  2. David Watson repo owner

    The latest version on moodle.org ( now includes a fix for your original issue, and also the ‘white tiles’ issue. Please let me know if either persists after that upgrade

  3. Mike Wilday reporter
    1. Yes, it was a sandbox environment
    2. I couldn’t find evidence of it loading and our default tile color was a dark blue so no it wasn’t loading.

    Due to Moodle US updating both our production and our sandbox environments (even though we just asked them to update our Sandbox, we are going to not install the update till you publish the non-beta version. :( Any idea when you’re planning on moving this to production release?

  4. David Watson repo owner

    Hi Mike my plan is to make another beta release later today. After that, I don't plan any more changes, but will keep an eye on the tracker and respond where necessary. I intend to allow until Friday 23 February for any more bug reports and then hopefully upgrade to “release candidate” on that date.

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