Installing the plugin hides the bottom border for section 0 in ALL courses (even those with standard topics format)

Issue #22 resolved
stefan created an issue

On Moodle 3.6.3 using an adapted Boost theme.

After installing the plugin, the separation line (which is actually a bottom border) of the first section (section 0) in ALL courses using standard topics format on the site has disappeared.

This is due to line 75 in styles.css, which eliminates that border for the whole site:

li#section-0.section.main.clearfix {
border-bottom: 0;

I was unaware that it was possible for a plugin stylesheet to affect the whole site. As this is the 2nd css issue I’ve found since installing it, this makes me quite nervous about other stuff that might have changed… since the stylesheet is almost 1900 lines… :(

Comments (4)

  1. stefan reporter

    are you sure that’s even necessary though? it displays without the line for me in tiles format, even after completely commenting out that line. or is it just for some themes other than boost?

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