Hard-coded English language strings ?

Issue #5 resolved
German Valero created an issue

Hi, I was testing your format_tiles plugin for Moodle with the mexican Spanish language pack, (as I have translated all 310 ot the 310 strings for this plugin in AMOS), but I found some English language strings that I think are hard-coded: Pie Chart, Microphone, etc;, as well as the names of the colours. See attached image with origin of language strings activated (https://docs.moodle.org/36/en/Debugging#Show_origin_of_language_strings).

I think that this nice plugin would be even nicer if all the English language strings were declared as variables, and therefore available for translation in AMOS.

Thanks in advance.

formt_tiles_hard-coded English  language strings.png

Comments (8)

  1. David Watson repo owner

    Hi German

    I will look at this next week. When initially writing the code, my thinking was that people may want to set it up to use their own colours and icons, and not necessarily use the originals, so I could not specify all the strings in advance. On reflection, I should revisit this - people may not use it like that, and I need to provide at least initial language strings if they are being displayed to users.

  2. German Valero reporter

    Hi David,

    Good news.

    I will be looking forward to your release in the Moodle plugins database of this new version. Thanks for making and improving this nice plugin.

  3. German Valero reporter

    Hi David,

    The new English language strings have shown in AMOS. Your plugin is 100% translated into Mexican Spanish :)

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